Sal |atelophobia|

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The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough.
"You are one of my best workers."

"I would like to promote you."

"How does a raise sound to you?"

"I can trust y/n with anything!"

Phrases. That's all they are to you. To others they may seem like the best things you could ever hear from your job, but to you? They are challenges, things you must be the best at, and you are. At least to everyone else. You are always wanting to improve yourself in fear of failing.

Sal knew about this. He knew everything about you. Sal always wanted you to know you were doing your best. Whenever you were upset, he'd take you outside somewhere to relax and today that was the park.

"I almost didn't take the promotion because I didn't want to let my boss down. I wanted to challenge myself and now, I'm scared babe." You explained while sitting down on a bench. "I can't fail at this, I just can't."

You heard Sal sigh, you knew he hated when you doubted yourself but you couldn't help it. Failure scared you.

"Like, every time I feel like I'm about to fail, I freeze. I stop and backtrack, I re think what I'm doing and if I'm doing something wrong. Sometimes it freaks me out so bad I start to panic and I ca-"

You started to explain how failure felt to you but Sal sat next to you and interrupted what you were about to say.

"Hey, you were given the promotion because you are the best fit for the job, your boss believed in you so much and I do too. You are perfect in so many ways and shouldn't be afraid of a little failure, we all go through it, we all get over it. You're a strong woman y/n. That's one of the many reasons I love you sweetheart" Sal held your hands in his. You almost wanted to cry, hearing Sal say that gave you the most confidence you've ever had. You looked at him and smiled.

"You're doing great hon" he said.

You looked at him, staring deep into his green eyes, which told you that you were ok . Thank god he's in your life. You couldn't imagine what you'd be going through if you didn't have him by your side, helping and encouraging you.

You nodded and mouthed "I love you"

"I love you too." Sal stood up "now tomorrow, you're not gonna be scared to fail, you're just gonna go with the flow" he said.

You stood up "Yes, yes I will"

"That's my baby, now how about some coffee?" Sal took your hand in his and you both started to walk towards the nearest coffee shop

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