Joe |the little things|

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You appreciated everything Joe did for you, especially the small things. You loved when he made breakfast, when he was able to. You loved how he said I love you, you loved how he always smiled at you and made you feel like the only girl in the world. Every little thing he did was like heaven in earth.

This morning you and Joe were having a chill day on the couch having a movie marathon. You had your head in his lap while he stroked your hair.

You hadn't realized but Joe was talking to you about what you two should do later that day, "we could get some takeout and come back here if you wanted to" he suggested

You smiled to yourself, almost half asleep and turned face up, looking at Joe. His baby blue eyes looking back at you.

"What is it hun?" He asked you

You shook your head, "nothing. I just love you so much and take out does sound good."

He chuckled lightly to himself, "I love you too baby"

You smiled and turned back around to watch the movie and Joe continued to stroke your hair.

How in the world did I get so lucky?

A/N sorry it's so short compared to the others! I wanted to get something out for you guys while I'm working on other stuff like more imagines and my story, UKIYO, which y'all should check out if you want!

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