꒱꒱꒱ my zodiac ranking (worst to best)

35 11 56

You heard me

*sips tea*

I got me some astroloTEA ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(Get it..? It's like astrology..?)

Your tricky ass zodiac opinions are pretty nice so come at me with your hate and opinions

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Your tricky ass zodiac opinions are pretty nice so come at me with your hate and opinions

It's not like I care

But if zodiac signs offend you then you're weird because you shouldn't let others opinions bother you

F A C T S *claps*


But seriously this isn't targeted towards anyone I know and I truly love all of my friends so if any of this offends you...

Cool :D

I'm right.

You're wrong.

Shut up. (I hate myself XD)

 (I hate myself XD)

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I dont stereotype people based off their zodiacs. Because some of these signs that I'm hating on has nothing to do with my friends and loved ones. Not all traits of a zodiac sign applies to a person.

12. Cancer

I have NOTHING against my cancer friends. In fact, my four cancer friends are some of the best people I have ever met which leads to me dating a cancer and my absolute favorite person.

But I guess I dont like how controlling cancers are. I see it a lot in cancer celebrities (AGAIN NONE OF MY CANCERS I KNOW ARE CONTROLLING IM JUST SAYING THESE F A C T S). I dont like how emotional my cancer family (NOT FRIENDS) are because their mood swings kill all of us. And I strongly dislike emotionally attached cancers can get because sometimes that could hold back people.

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