Chapter two: Life

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Chapter two: Life


Just passed the wreckage I had to stop and look between the mob of creepers that just turned back towards the direction of the jam and the field to my right. I didn’t know if I should cut through the field and go around them –or if I should take out as many of them as I can then cut through the field.

 My choice was easy after I started thinking about day one. When I told my dad that doing nothing was surely not going to help the problem seize to exist.  Stopping my quad mid street I stood and took aim, visualizing the path that my bullet would take squeezing the trigger I watched as the brains splattered out of the one I aimed at, all over the creeper behind it. Never blinking, I never stopped as the automatic three eighty I carried fired just as fast as I could pull the trigger until I emptied the extended clip which held twenty rounds.

The first mob was easy, I knocked them all over one by one, but soon after that I ran into more and more of them all headed back in the direction I came from. Three mobs down and my gun jammed midst the fourth there was less and less of them it seemed.

I watched the mob as it neared but I accelerated the quad and tore through a small garden to my left it seemed the clearest easiest path.  I Ran down one that lunged for me and the quad sort of spun out on the dead human’s slippery surface.


When I arrived to Baraga my stomach was twisting, and twirling with the feelings of being alone clashing with disgust and hunger. Ducking into the side of the first building in town I leaned my head back into it while I cleared the jam from my gun. Tucking it into the back of my jeans as I rounded the corner of the building I gasped “oh my god” as I found myself staring right into the drooping face that was trying to bite me. The breath of the dead left something twisting inside me as I lifted my foot and kicked the thing backwards causing it to stumble about like a drunken person; which had given me enough time to pull my gun and shoot it in the head. Causing the blood to spray back and shower over my face, followed by another foul smelling substance.

Wiping the gunk off from my face, and slim from my eyes I groaned “welcome to hell” greeting myself wondering if I should be more scared than I am because I keep stumbling upon these things like they are harmless.

Even though I watched them tear the flesh of another human, and eat their insides. Enough to know that they are not harmless, that or maybe it was the preparedness my dad had educated me with either way I definitely had to start being more careful.  Just as the thought ran through my mind I found myself laying flat on my back screaming at the top of my lungs “shit” gasping in a breath, thrashing beneath the dead weight and scrambling at my side trying to grab my gun being as I dropped it when the creeper knocked me over. I whisper “please…Please…please don’t eat me” while blocking its bite with my forearm pressed into its throat. Still wiggling trying to get free while kicking my legs wiggling side to side and every time I let out a breath, my lungs depleted. Due to the dead weight of the hefty thing pinning me to the ground and worse yet was it was still trying to bite me and all I could smell was the breath of rotting decaying flesh.

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