Chapter seven: Chocolate

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Chapter seven:  Chocolate


I turned quick enough to watch him plunge his knife into the skull of a creeper and the suctioning, slurping sound it made when he pulled it back out quickly made me gasp “disgusting” with a chill running down my spine. “I really need to finish your stitches so I can be on my way” I pointed out while noticing how dark it was becoming.

“You know” J.p stated and I thought bitterly –no but didn’t say anything as he continued speaking. “We have a few military men back at the store, we commandeered.”  He cleared his throat as I grabbed the needle and he added “Maybe you could just come back with me for tonight meet the people here, talk to them… Be safe for at least one night before going about your way.”

“Two is good enough” I blurted cutting the thread, shying away from his suggestion as I recalled the promises I made to myself about never ever being that trusting again without good reason. I stuck the med kit back into my bag “I should be going.” I stated and didn’t even look up at him, I knew he was trying to read me, or figure out why I suddenly pulled back.  “Whatever you guys do J.P, if you get run out of here, don’t head west!” I warned while pulling my pack onto my back.

“I didn’t even catch your name” he stated just as I started walking away “look” he blurted, I heard his voice getting deeper, and closer “you helped me, and I cannot in good conscience let you wander off in the dark alone.”

I grinned, liking the sound of him wanting me to be safe, but I knew it was nothing so I replied “J.P you are not technically letting me do anything, and if it would ease your mind I can wait around town until morning…” I took a breath “but I will not go back to the store with you – I cannot allow myself to do that again.”  After what happened in Baraga –staying here in town was all I could do.

“So you are wearier for humans, than limpers?” He stated voice full of disbelief… “Why is that” he asked now walking beside me, I still wasn’t looking at him.

I sighed “because the crazy lade and her son back in Baraga kidnapped me, locked me up and planned to use me to repopulate the earth.”

“I will set with you then, and see you off in the morning” he stated and before I could decline he said “I won’t take no for an answer.”

We had walked for a bit without saying anything to one another and when I realized we had walked back into town and I was standing in front of the gas station his friend tried to high jack me at I stared at it, and he stated “you look like hell.”

“And you think I didn’t know that?” I asked sounding slightly rude and wondering if “have you looked at yourself lately” I asked. Then I stated “because you don’t look any better.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you” he replied “was just making conversation.”

Arms crossing his chest as I looked at him I said “you didn’t offend me” in which he didn’t I was aware that I looked like shit. “As for making conversation, can I ask why they call you Slayer?” I was barely holding myself together at this point, and conversation sounded better than falling apart in front of someone I barely knew.

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