Chapter five: Minutes, hours, days

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Chapter five:  Minutes, hours, days


I let my pack fall from my back and I moved out to my left away from the tree where he could see me, because I wanted him to come at me, I wanted to give him all that I had wound up tight into this body of mine. I wanted and needed to let go of all of the frustrations and at this point, there’d be no better time.

He came at me a lot faster than I had anticipated so I dove towards where I dropped my pack, then rolled on the ground grabbing my gun deciding I’d shoot him in the foot because that would be better than taking any chances I had to be getting close to running out of those.  I took aim and I shot watching him fall to the ground with a huge thud I drown out his screaming by thoughts of shooting him again but instead I walked up to him and said “you people should think twice before kidnapping someone.” Hissing I let all the anger take complete control over me, mind body and soul when I added “and now I am going to do the same to your mama” being sure to give him a swift kick in his baby makers on my way past him.

I could still hear Byron’s screams when I reached the barn and I was even more thoroughly and unbelievably angry, irritated, frustrated and tired not to mention exhausted. I was making it but I knew that it was on pure adrenalin and that alone. I promised myself that I would never again let anyone ever again do this to me.

Soon as I opened the barn door I heard “oh…so nice of you to come back deary…Did you have a change of heart?”

“Are you freaking kidding me?” I gasped out loud pointing my gun at her without anymore thought shooting her in the foot, and once in her arm enough to immobilize her for quite some time. “You are lucking it wasn’t in the head, and, you will be even luckier if one of those creepers around town come eat you before I tell my dad what you are doing here, and what you have done.” I stated loud enough for her to hear me over Byron’s and her own cries. But, I kept walking right past the house, then back through town, shooting the few creepers that I did see on my way through. Stopping at the gas station in town filling my bag with what little I could grab without taking a lot of time.

I finished off the mob of creepers that I passed on the way into town being as I was on foot and couldn’t take any more chances… Scratch that I wasn’t taking any more chances.


It seemed like forever before I reached a different road to take being as I had to stop every twenty minutes and relax the muscles in my back from the heave pack. It was definitely a lot easier with my quad, a lot faster too. I had been through the couple bottles of water I had taken from the station on my way out of Loons Ville and, I knew I wasn’t going to make it much farther without more. So I hoped that I would soon come up onto another town here soon. The thought about hitching a ride crossed my mind, now only if the two cars that passed me would have stopped…

Minutes turned into hours as I walked and walked while I was beginning to feel alone and very afraid I knew I had to keep moving at all times unless I was resting. Even then I had to keep my guard up, I started thinking about the last normal day I had spent in the normal world and it was with Lynx, which made me question if leaving her with my dad was a good thing. As I wound up missing them both, I was reminded of the look on Doctor Andrews face when I put my gun in my dad’s. That leading to me thinking about my mother, but I pushed the thoughts clean out of my mind just as fast as they had entered.

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