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~ Three months later ~ 

All is well, so far and since you came to London. The city is beautiful, Jon is a great man for helping you get adjusted to life here and Hydra hasn't been able to find you yet. Although Steve thought it was necessary for you to know, and he's right of course, that Hydra is searching for you everywhere. In every country, every city and village, every corner of the world. Even other worlds, the one they have access to.  

But you don't worry, at least not yet because you both went through a transformation to blend in and to be unrecognizable for the criminal organization. You changed your hair, not just the colour but the style too and you're wearing sunglasses non-stop and even your clothes are different than what you used to wear. 

You tried to get Bucky to cut his hair but he doesn't want to. Instead, he joins you in the sunglasses thing and he wears caps to shield himself. Shield even offered to change his metal arm to something without the red star on it which he gladly accepted. He now has a beautiful vibranium blue like arm all the way from a place called Wakanda. It's even stronger than the one Hydra gave him and you helped with improving it. 

Besides all that, you found yourself a new job, an honest one this time but it is a scientific function because let's face it, you're qualified and have your diploma and PhD. Bucky found a job somewhere in a garage and he actually really enjoys getting his hands dirty, his metal arm really helping when he needs to lift heavy things. 

Your relationship with Bucky is blossoming and honestly, you've never been happier and you've never felt so peaceful in your life. You feel safe, loved and wanted. That's all you ever wanted if you truly think about it. 

But who doesn't? Everyone wants a happy life, a life without true threats even though everyone likes a little danger. Your danger is that Hydra will always be lurking around the corner. You regurlarly think about that and about what will happen if they find you, or better said, when they find you. 

But that thought vanishes when you walk home from the lab that is walking distance from the house, and see Bucky coming home from the other side of the street. He parks the car that he may borrow from Jon and he smiles when he gets out and sees you. 

You sprint forward and jump into his arms, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist while he holds you close to him, one hand on your butt and the other around your back. He captures your lips in a sweet and gentle kiss before carefully setting you down again. 

'Hello, doll. How was your day?' It feels great to be normal but you must admit, that now time has passed and you have thought about it more clearly, you're happy you were with Hydra because you wouldn't have met Bucky if you stayed with Shield. 

Truth be told, you like that you improved him, you adore that he was and secretly still is, your melioration

Melioration ~ James Buchanan BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now