Chapter 2

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Chiharu charged at me first with 3 kunai knives. I dodged all three and then I took a big step back. I figured that would have confused people but I knew that this guy would have probably decided to attack with one of his jutsus from the moment that I would have stopped after the third jump.

He charged at me once again this time using the 'Shadow Clone Jutsu', multiplying by 10 times. I took out 4 of them with just kunai knives and then I dealt with the rest by just average fighting. When I hit the floor on my 2 feet waiting for him to charge I saw that beneath my feet was a smoke paper. 'Shoot !' I thought.

Pieces of bricks flew everywhere as well as pieces of ice. I quickly retreated to the wall during the explosion after using my 'Water Jutsu: Block Cover' in which I hardened water using my chakra and made a block to avoid getting affected by the explosion.

I quickly examined the previous attack. When the smoke bomb went off Chiharu stood stationery so either he had a special jutsu relating to either the ground or fire.

"Water Barrier" I commanded locking us both into it. He put his hand on the ground and made the ground crumble beneath us. I had to jump quickly to avoid possibly being covered by the ground. I lost concentration and as a result, the barrier vanished. Our tactics until now revealed to each other, as well as the crowd, our special abilities.

"Boulder Spikes"

The name Chiharu just mentioned gave away the surprise intended for me. Spiked rocks flew at me and it was difficult to dodge so I had no choice but to defend. I couldn't defend fully for my water barrier took up a considerable amount of chakra. This was due to the fact that I didn't actually seek training by a jounin to learn to control a large amount of chakra. I used the same 'Block Cover' method but it didn't protect me fully. Some of the spikes met with my skin and I fell.

As Chiharu advanced towards me, I aimed several kunai knives to delay whatever plan he had and decided that I'd use the 'Bubble Enclosure'. That was going to surprise him. I used some shurikens to which he easily avoided.

I had eventually realized that the 'Boulder Spikes' was to temporarily impede on my jutsu. However there was something that Chiharu, and the crowd looking down upon the 2 of us, didn't know. I used a smoke bomb to distance ourselves, holding my cut arm.

Taking as much chakra as I could, which was dangerous since I didn't know how to make my jutsus work efficiently without massive power, I advanced towards him unleashing my jutsu with one hand.

"Bubble Enclosure" I commanded wearing a smirk. He couldn't escape from it as I had caused the bubble to float. I took a bit of water from the bubble which made it smaller for him, hardened it with the bit of chakra I had left and let the bubble open a bot so that the block of ice hit him right on his head. When he fell unconscious I smiled.

"Kazumi wins this round"

I collapsed to the ground unconscious after hearing that.

I awoke to several eyes staring down at me. I realized that I was in the hospital.

"That was great Zumi"

"Wow that was impressive!"

"Congratulations on advancing to the next round"

I heard compliments like these and I thanked everyone. I looked around for my father but he wasn't there. I was a bit disappointed that I hadn't seen him but I figured that he was caught up with something and that he would visit me soon. I also noticed that Naruto and Shikamaru were not present either, as well as Hinata and Choji. Despite that I was happy to see my friends here: Sakura, Ino,Neji and Shino.

I got off of the bed and reassured everyone that I was fine and that I could walk. I went to see Lee to wish him well and see how he was doing. When I opened the door I saw Naruto and Shikamaru standing still and Gaara on the opposite side in the same pose as Shikamaru, his sand surrounding Lee and Shikamaru's ankles. Everyone looked at me and I looked back at them.

"Okay.... What in the chicken is going on here?"

My question was answered with silence but I didn't complain. It seemed as if something intense went down during my absence. I was going to break up the tension amongst the 3 guys but Guy beat me to it. Naruto was trembling, Shikamaru actually looked a bit intimidated and Gaara, he released his sand from Shikamaru and Lee and left the two with a few words,

"I will kill you all without fail...just wait"

He looked at me briefly and then he left. I took it upon myself to follow him and maybe I could figure out exactly what occurred in there.

"Hey Gaara"

He stopped and without looking he said,

"It's best that you don't speak to me"

"I'll take my chances" I challenged.

I walked next to him deciding that we should walk in silence for a few seconds.

"Isn't that Kakashi's daughter? What is she doing with that freak?" I heard someone snicker to their friends. Those words were an ultimate trigger to me.

"What did you just say?" I questioned hoping that they'd use those brain cells and either disappear or change those words that were uttered.

"What are you doing with that freak?" the person repeated syllable by syllable.

"Spiral flow!"

I watched as the person was twisted into a nearby wall. The wall was now soaked with water and that person's friends were left agape.

"Freak?! Please don't mistake Gaara for your mirror!" I yelled pulling Gaara with me.

We ended up at a vibrant, attractive park which was not much of a distance from the hospital. Gaara pulled away and I apologized, forgetting that I had still been holding his hand.

"Why?" he asked me.

"Why what?"

"Why did you stand up for me?"

"That person was being annoying and also I hate liars. Gaara, don't listen to him. That guy is a freak not you" I told him. I figured that Gaara wasn't the type to show his feelings and I was alright with it. Hopefully, he would be able to entrust his feelings with me like how I was willing to entrust my feelings with him.

"You don't understand. I actually am a freak. I have a monster inside me called Shukaku-"

"Having a monster doesn't make you a freak. It just makes you unique" I interrupted him making it evident that I would not allow him to be called 'freak' even if it was him.

"So Shukaku huh? Tell me more"

"He's an ichibi that I have possessed from birth-"

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