Chapter 3

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The conversation between us was intriguing.. I learned about the way in which he possessed the sand spirit who was known as Shukaku and that the sand would protect him even when he was unaware of danger. I didn't learn a lot about his family but I didn't mind. Not everyone wants to relive their past, especially if someone is there to watch them possibly lose their mind. I knew the feeling all too well.

"So you're not wearing eyeliner?" I asked, shocked to hear that my eyes had deceived me the whole time. I moved closer to him, our noses almost touching.

"Hn. So I see you don't rest often?" I whispered, staring into his eyes. I moved myself away and exhaled. I was unaware that I had been holding my breath.

"You should sleep alright?"

There was no answer. It worried me. Was he in a situation where he just had to stay awake no matter what or was he just an insomniac?

"I know that I ought not to tell you anything because it's not like we have some inseparable bond that I know everything about you to say-"

"Hey Kazumi! You do realize that that is Gaara. He's a monster. You should get away from him before he kilks you like he's ki-"

"Bubble Enclosure Spiral Flow"

I smiled as he was spun around in a bubble, earning looks from many others. The bubble would eventually pop but unfortunately for him he'd be spiraling until he knocked into something. Oh well.

"As I was saying..." I looked at Gaara. He seemed surprised by my actions.

"He deserved it. What goes around comes around right? Interrupt someone and the same thing happens"

"Oh..." He said softly. I wondered if it was too much. Maybe I should try being civil so I could avoid creeping him out.

"I'm sorry if that's uncomfortable for you to s-see. Well-"

"Kazumi. I killed people before you know. This doesn't bother me. I'm just not used to people standing up for me"

"Ohhhh" It was my turn to speak softly. I wondered if he killed with a purpose that the average person would be able to understand and not judge.

"Oh. Why did you kill people?" I inquired curious to hear his answer.

"I kill to feel alive. I guess that creeps you out and makes you think that I'm really a monster right?"

"Goodness Gaara!" I yelled in frustration putting my hands on his face, bringing him close to me.

"Look I have no reason to judge you. I don't know you as much as I'd like to so I couldn't judge you just like that. You obviously have a more detailed reason so I'm not going to immediately jump on you for something you said that could not possibly be the full story. You have your reasons and until you tell me anything I will be understanding with this bit you've told me and when you tell me everything then I can say whether or not it creeps me out. And for the nineteen thousandth million five hundred and sixty-eighth time YOU ARE NOT A MONSTER. You are simply a unique child that people don't understand and their inability to comprehend you drives them to a point where they need to assume anything about you to satisfy themselves. I will never think of you as a monster Gaara. Believe me"

I exhaled slowly, my eyes glued to his and my heart rate increasing. It felt as if it'd just jump out of my chest. I was going to move my hands but my hands and mind decided to argue with each other and I couldn't bring myself to remove my hands.


"Shhh. Don't say anymore yet"

Suddenly I saw sand cover me. I tore my eyes away and I looked at the ground. A kunai knife dropped on the ground and it came from one of those annoying kids that just hated it when their bullying doesn't have effect on people. I was honestly too tired of their crap.

I removed my hands, grabbed a smoke bomb amd smashed it to the ground. I pulled Gaara away from the bench and I decided to go on the bridge and sit to watch the view. I invited Gaara to sit with me and he accepted.

"Hey Gaara. Since you told me things about you, would you like to find out anything about me?"

"Hmm. Well back at the battle grounds I asked you if you knew me before. I'd like to know the answer. I heard that you made it to the next round. Honestly you don't seem like the type that would become a kunoichi but seeing your abilities previously I think you do"

"Firstly that means a lot coming from you. You seem like one who looks emotionless but still waters run deep. To answer that question, I didn't even see you or know about you until at the battle place. Well I guess that must've been because you completed everything early. And Gaara, just so you know I don't want you to think that I'm just doing this for fun. I really do think you're cool"

"Really? I don't understand why you think like that. Everyone else treated me like crap, pretended to care about me and then just like that they betrayed me, not caring about my feelings"

"I'm so sorry Gaara" I was saddened upon hearing that he had been treated wrongfully.

"Well I don't need your pity. You're probably just pretending to care and then you're going to find some weak spot and try to hurt me. Well you can't get through me" he said bitterly. He got up and left.

I wanted to call for him but he had gone. I didn't intend to upset him. I was just simply being an understanding person. 8 sighed, getting up. I decided to go and order a bowl of ramen. 'What could have happened to him that he is affected so much by it' I pondered. I ate my ramen thinking about this.


I turned around to see my friend Naruto.

"HI!" I greeted. He was a rather loud ninja but that's what made everything fun. I hugged him and asked him to join me for ramen. Typical Naruto, he immediately accepted my offer. In between meals he informed me that I was needed by Kakashi urgently.

I widened my eyes. I had forgotten to meet my father after I had left the hospital. Remembering that I was in the hospital, I had forgotten about the tense moment that was shared among Shikamaru, Naruto and Gaara when I walked into the hospital. It had been a while since I left the hospital. I face palmed as I remembered. I might get a nagging.

"Hey Kazumi"


"You fought really well by the way"

"Thanks Naruto, you too"

"You saw me?"

"Not really. But I heard that you passed so I'm sure you fought well"

"Yeah haha"

"Do you by any chance like Gaara?"

"Oh you noticed?"

"Of course. Anyone could see that!"

"Yet the one girl who notices you for everything you are you ignore her. And you act like you see through anything. Hn" I muttered to myself.

"What was that?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing. Let's go. I have an urgent meeting" I smiled, dragging him along with me.

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