Special • Chapter 3

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*Special*- where the reader gets to see things from Gaara's pov from one of the chapters.


  The conversation between Kazumi and me was surprisingly not annoying like I had expected. I told her a little bit about me, the information that I had given to Naruto and Shikamaru thinking that this was the reason that she had tagged along.

"So you're not wearing eyeliner?" Of course she thought it was eyeliner. Everyone who had the courage to look me in my eyes assumed that it was eyeliner. Most people just didn't even look me in the face for fear that their life would end if they dared to do so.

I shook my head no not bothering to tell her what it was. She'd eventually get her answer. She moved closer to me our noses and my breath hitched. There was some weird feeling inside of me that I couldn't explain.

"Hn. So I see you don't rest often?" She whispered, staring into my eyes. "So she figured it out" I thought. She moved away and exhaled. I exhaled while she wasn't looking. I would have considered it as some type of jutsu but it had happened to Kazumi also so I figured it was a regular thing for someone to feel.

"You should sleep alright?" I said nothing. Why did she even care? I was a mere stranger after all. I didn't want to explain myself since I hadn't really known her and I had difficulty talking about my feelings.

"I know that I ought not to tell you anything because it's not like we have some inseparable bond that I know everything about you to say-"

Hey Kazumi! You do realize that that is Gaara. He's a monster. You should get away from him before he kilks you like he's ki-"

"Bubble Enclosure Spiral Flow"

She smiled as he was spun around in a bubble, earning looks from many others. I was confused at her actions. Why had she done that to him? She was unlike any other person he had ever seen.

"As I was saying..." she said looking at me. I was surprised by hee actions.

"He deserved it. What goes around comes around right? Interrupt someone and the same thing happens"

"Oh..." I said softly. I wasn't used to being defended. Who would ever want to defend a monster anyway?

"I'm sorry if that's uncomfortable for you to s-see. Well-"

"Kazumi. I killed people before you know. This doesn't bother me. I'm just not used to people standing up for me" I mentally chuckled at her remark. That was hardly anything compared to what I've done or seen.

"Ohhhh" she whispered. I had probably scared her not that I cared too much. Maybe she'd leave me and I could continue my mission in peace. I looked at her and she didn't seem the least bit scared. Now that was intriguing.

"Oh. Why did you kill people?" She inquired.

"I kill to feel alive. I guess that creeps you out and makes you think that I'm really a monster right?" This was sure to make her leave.

"Goodness Gaara!" she yelled looking frustrated putting her hands on my face, bringing me close to her. There was that odd feeling again.

"Look I have no reason to judge you. I don't know you as much as I'd like to so I couldn't judge you just like that. You obviously have a more detailed reason so I'm not going to immediately jump on you for something you said that could not possibly be the full story. You have your reasons and until you tell me anything I will be understanding with this bit you've told me and when you tell me everything then I can say whether or not it creeps me out. And for the nineteen thousandth million five hundred and sixty-eighth time YOU ARE NOT A MONSTER. You are simply a unique child that people don't understand and their inability to comprehend you drives them to a point where they need to assume anything about you to satisfy themselves. I will never think of you as a monster Gaara. Believe me"

Goodness! It was as if she wrote a whole book and had read it to me. Those words really did something to me that I never thought that I would be able to feel again since I was 6. Had I been as naive as I was back then I would have wholeheartedly believed in her words.


"Shhh. Don't say anymore yet" I was here mentally face palming myself for stuttering. Since when do I stutter?

I noticed a kunai knife headed her way and I blocked it with my sand. I had no idea why I had done that. The kunai dropped to the ground and we saw the culprit.

Kazumi removed her hands, grabbed a smoke bomb and smashed it to the ground. She pulled me away from the bench and told me that we'd  go on the bridge and sit to watch the view. She invited me to sit with her and I accepted.

"Hey Gaara. Since you told me things about you, would you like to find out anything about me?"

"Hmm. Well back at the battle grounds I asked you if you knew me before. I'd like to know the answer. I heard that you made it to the next round. Honestly you don't seem like the type that would become a kunoichi but seeing your abilities previously I think you do"

It was one of the most genuine compliments that anyone had ever received from me which was especially rare.

"Firstly that means a lot coming from you. You seem like one who looks emotionless but still waters run deep. To answer that question, I didn't even see you or know about you until at the battle place. Well I guess that must've been because you completed everything early. And Gaara, just so you know I don't want you to think that I'm just doing this for fun. I really do think you're cool"

It was as if she'd read my mind. I thought we was playing around with me, trying to uncover some sort of weakness to use against me. She had actually thought I was cool. Even after what she had learned about me. It seemed unbelievable.

Really? I don't understand why you think like that. Everyone else treated me like crap, pretended to care about me and then just like that they betrayed me, not caring about my feelings"

"I'm so sorry Gaara" I was saddened upon hearing that he had been treated wrongfully.


Those words triggered something in me. Had she thought that I succumbed to her little game? I had to show her that I wasn't an easy person just because I told her a couple of things. Pity... I hated it. Pity allowed you to believe that it was okay to have a weakness and it really wasn't. Pity could get one killed if one wasn't careful.

"Well I don't need your pity. You're probably just pretending to care and then you're going to find some weak spot and try to hurt me. Well you can't get through me" I said bitterly. I got up and left, ignoring her voice. I walked to where I was staying at and I greeted my siblings by looking at them. I inquired about anymore information involving the mission and there was no update. I nodded and headed to my room. I sat down for a few minutes and took a shower. I skipped dinner since I was hungry and then I went to bed unable to sleep, a state that I had been in for years.

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