Chapter 7

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Being discreet and stealthy is one of the major aspects of being a ninja or an kunoichi.Tonight was when this was supposed to come in handy. It was something that the average ninja would do. The mission that could not be carelessly carried out, getting into the house without Kakashi knowing.

I made a water clone jutsu and caused a ruckus outside. What happened to stealth? What happened to discretion? I disappeared quietly to the roof when I heard the door creak open. When I saw that Kakashi was outside I took the chance to get into the house.

I went to my room feeling accomplished. I then heard a poof! I thought that they were my clones so I paid no attention. I went to turn on the switch and I gasped. Kakashi stood by my bed, his arms folded.

"AHHH" I panicked jumping up to the ceiling. I had expected to stick to the ceiling like I had seen other ninjas do but I had forgotten that I had yet to learn the control of chakra. I fell to the ground face flat, groaning in pain.

My father helped me up and put me in my bed. He mumbled about how careless I was, shaking his head in disbelief. He went outside for a rew moments and returned with an ice pack, giving it to me.

There were a few moments of silence between us before he took my hands and told me that he had something to tell me.

"Kazumi, I've decided to teach and help you further develop your Ninjutsu" he said. Although he had a mask on, I could tell that he was smiling. I hugged him tightly thanking him.

I was not upset that he didn't teach me before because I understood why. I understood a lot more after I had spoken with Gaara at the gathering of the ninjas who had advanced to the final round. Ninjas had to be strong and I was a bit easy going, especially in my fighting but now that I was going to be taught I was certain that my attitude would change and then I would be looked on differently.

"I won't disappoint you Dad!" I stated strongly raising my fist in the air. He nodded and said good night before leaving the room.

I took a shower and then I went to bed. I didn't need any dinner since I wasn't hungry. Before I drifted into the darkness, I gazed at the stars that lit up the night sky admiring the beauty.

I was awakened by Kakashi telling me to assemble by the field and that he would meet me there. I got ready for the day and let him know that I was gone. Based on his reputation I had expected him to come late but he had actually arrived on time.

"Kazumi, I'll train you for a week and then I'll go to train Sasuke"

I shook my head furiously and folded my arms in protest. It didn't seem fair that I should be trained for a week only.

"So I guess you don't want to hang out with Gaara for a while" he said. I widened my eyes at his response. 'Well played father '. I had to make a tough decision that moment.

"I'll train with you and Sasuke in the 3rd and 4th week" I said. I glared at his tactic. He knew that would have affected me somehow. I heard him chuckle and I just shook my head. Using my weakness against me, how cruel.

"Okay now you're going to fight me"

My life was about to end so soon? No Kazumi, let's not be irrational. I nodded my head and dropped a smoke bomb.

"Water barrier" I commanded. The smoke wouldn't disappear which I thought was advantageous. I got out of the water barrier and I made it smaller. I felt good thinking that it was a good idea. That was until the bubble popped. I saw a ring of fire expanding to cover the bubble thus making it pop.

It could only pop if heat was added to it from the outside. I had realized that Kakashi used a clone right before I made a barrier.

He sent me flying into a nearby stream soaking up my black and blue clothes. How careless I was.

"Oh Kazumi. You remind of Naruto"

"How so?" I inquired quite curious.

"Well when Naruto fought me he charged at me before I even said start"

I sighed. I wasted a whole barrier tor nothing.

He told me to sit down and I did. He sat next to me and we had a heart to heart moment right there.

"Kazumi. You have quite the potential to be a shinobi but are you absolutely sure that you want to pursue this? It's a dangerous thing to do and I promised to protect you-"

"Dad I want to do this. I want to make you proud" I frowned. Was I not good enough even if father said I was good?

He sighed as he looked at me. I decided to use the ultimate weapon, the puppy eyes. I even added a pout for more effect. He shook his head and then he said that he would train me to be the best that I could be. I thanked him by tackling into a hug. I would not by any means disappoint him.

"Now let's start!"

I made water clones and used them to distract Kakashi. Meanwhile I observed my surroundings. The sky was getting dark and I knew it would rain soon. If I kept my father long enough I would definitely have the advantage. Or so I thought. I vanished in the trees throwing kunais. I then decided to use bubble enclosure but it didn't reach Kakashi. I continued to do this until the rain fell.

I used the rain water to cover us both in a gigantic bubble which was enough for me to fight. I was suddenly pushed forward by what felt like a wave. It wasn't a wave however. Shoot! I had forgotten that he could control water. I fell to the ground again, causing the barrier to break. When I looked up I saw myself in the park and standing in front of me, his face battered, was Gaara. I started to tremble and I freaked out for a moment when I remembered that he is always protected by Shukaku.

I pretended to faint and waited for Kakashi to get close enough. When he was close I got up and with great speed I did the signs for my jutsu: Spiral Flow. It worked on Kakashi but not for long. He replaced himself with a log and finished me off by sticking me into the ground. I hadn't even heard him use any jutsu. My father was truly amazing.

"Don't let your guard down. You must be aware of any possible attack " He pulled me out of the ground, took out a pink book, blushed and left me alone. Sigh that book. The rain that seemed like a blessing was now my enemy for soaking my clothes even more. I decided to look for some shelter. I reached a small wooden house and entered. It was a bit odd that the door wasn't locked but I didn't think much of it. I needed to get into something warm.

I widened my eyes when I saw the sight before me. The sand siblings were holding a big bag and a leg was exposed.


"Gaara, Temari?"

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