Chapter 12

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"SUMMER!!!" I heard a husky voice yell as I walked in. "Summer I'm so sorry and....." Harry started but interrupted him. "Harry can we talk about it later?" I asked. "Yea " he said disapoinment in his voice. "LETS PLAY GAMES!!!!!!!!" Louis yelled right in my ear. "Owe Louis!" I said. "Yay! What games?" Niall asked. "Truth or Dare?" I asked. "I LOVE THIS GIRL!!!" Louis yelled picking me up. "I'm taking that as a yes?" I said recovering being squeezed to death. I walked over to sit in the couch. Louis and Harry sat beside me. Dani and Liam on the floor.and Zayn and Niall in the chair. "Okay I wanna go first!" Niall said. "Harry truth or dare?" Niall asked. "Dare." He said lazily. "I dare you to go in the closet and do 7 minutes of Heaven with Summer." He said with a smirk on his face. "WHAT!" I yelled. "You heard me. Now go before I add time!" Niall said. I glared at him. I sighed realizing he wasn't going to budge. I looked at harry who just shrugged his shoulders and stood up. I sighed again.and walked into the closet sitting down. Harry walked in and sat next to me. it was silent for a minute then Harry spoke. "I'm sorry Summer. I don't know what I was a thinking.Shit I wasn't thinking. I love you Summer and I cant imgaine what id do without you! That girl was a piece od sand at the bottom of the ocean! Please Summer Im sory!" he pleaded looking into my eyes trying to read my face. "I forgive you Harry. Im really sorry. I shouldnt have acted like that. I was just a little jealous." I said looking at me shoes. I felt harry's hand come under my chin lifting it up. "It wasnt youre fault so stop trying to blame it on yourself." Harry said. I couldnt leave his gaze. It was memorzing. His Bright Green Eyes like they were looking into me. I saw him lean in but to slowly for my liking. I helped him out my crashing my lips onto his. I felt him smile into it. "WOAH YOURE  7 MINUTES ARE UP!!!!" Louis yelled opening the door. Me and Harry quickly broke apart. "Thanks Lou." I heard Harry mummble making me laugh a little. "WATCH IT CURLY!" He yelled right in my ear. "LOUIS WILL YOU STOP YELLING RIGHT IN MY EAR!!" I yelled in his making him scream and runaway. We walked back to join the others. I saw Niall smiling. "What niall?" I asked. "Well did you make babies" He asked. "I threw a pillow at him. "Niall how do you know this stuff?" I asked at a very confused irish boy "Hes to young to know this stuff." I whispered to the others making them crack up. He pouted. "Okay my turn!" I said rubbing my hands together smiling to myself. "Okay Niall Truth or Dare?" I asked him. His smile instantly turned into a full on grin. "Dare" He simply stated." I dare you to first go and eat a food and second tomarrow who have to make- out with Cher Lloyd." I said. " Okay bring on the food!" He said pumping his Fists in the air. I smiled to myself. he had no idea. I walked into the kithcen and grabbed all the leftovers in the fridge which consisted of Fish, Paste with Tomato sauce, Pizza, Chicken, and Thai food. I emptiyed all the containers into the blender and added a old banna for good luck. I put on the cover and turned on the blender. I took off the top and started gagging. the smell was disgusting. I piched my noise and poured it into a glass and walked out and handed it to niall. "Drink it." I simply said.  He looked at the boys who were all on Zayn's Chair curled up like it was a bomb. Dani was on the coach with a pillow over her face.  I scooted back as he started to drink to it. He imdently started gagging. "OKAY THE GAME IS OVER!" Liam said quickly standing up and snatching the drink away from Niall. "But....." Zayn started but Liam looked at him like he would murder him. "Lets go to bed?" Niall suggested. "I think you should." Liam said looking at Me, Harry, Zayn, and Louis. " OKAY!" Louis yelld and pushed me over and ran up stairs. I stood up quickly and follwed them all up. I opened my door to see Harry laying on the bed pretending to be asleep.  I sighed and opened my drawer. I grabbed a pair of Grey Leggings and a "My box is bigger than yours." T-Shirt. I went to the bathroom to change. I walked back out to see him still pretending to be asleep but taking up the whole bed. I grabbed a pillow and started hitting him. "Move Over!" I said still hitting him. "Fine." he mummbled trying not to laugh. I scooted in next to him."Night Babe" He said placing his arm around my waist pulling me into him.


Hey Guys!!!! Sorry guys this is a really short chapter. I have had so much schoo lwork and am already failing math. Anyways Im having serious writers block so im soo sorry this is so short. If you have any ideas please lt me know. Just the smallest word like Banna could jog something and give me a BrilLiam idea. Or you could just tell me about what you are doing this weekend as That is usally what helps.

Anyways on a better note

HAVE YOU HEARD LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

It is so amaZayn!!!! And the video?!?!?!?!!? Died after they woke up. And NIALL AD LOUIS SOLO AND THERE SO FABLOUIS!!!! I mean its still edited which isnt fair and Niall still dosent have as much but its a start. Im so proud of them. My new life moto is now LWWY

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