Chapter 11

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I woke up to Harry singing in my shower. I sighed and rolled out of bed. I grabbed a pair of jeans, and a red rolling stones slouch shirt and put them on as harry was walking out. " I LOVE the shirt." He said coming up to try and give me hug. " No your still wet." I said dodging into the bathroom to do my make-up and hair. I walked out 15 minutes later to find him sitting on my bed watching tv. "Ready?" He asked. "Yea." I said. He shut off the the T.V. "Grab your bag and shoes and meet me downstairs in 5minutes ready to go" He said and walked out. I sighed and grabbed some tall brown sloch boots, a beanie, a scarf, my peacoat and my bag and went downstairs. "Again you look sexy in a beanie." He said coming out of the kithcen. I didn't know how to answer so I just blushed. "Are you ready?" I asked. he smiled and walked out to a black mustang. "Im taking this is yours." I said getting in the passenger seat. "Yep." He said. "So just a heads up Ive been told I get annoying when I don't eat. I havent eaten yet and I don't want to annony you so......" I said but he interupted me. "Yes we will get breakfest." He said smilin. "Yay" I said. Harry started laughing. "What?" I asked confused. "Youre so much like Louis its scary." He said. "What! No im not!" I said. "Yes you are Youre a little kid at heart. I mean I said were getting breakfest and you acted like its Christmas. But you're so Pure, Unlike Louis." He said. "Everyone is telling me that!" I said. "Sorry Love. Its true though." He said smiling. I rolled my eyes. He pulled into McDonalds. "There is no freaking way im getting McDonalds." I said crossing my arms. "Again who says freaking? And second yes you are or no Breakfest." He said. "I say Freaking and im only getting a coffee!!" I said follwing him in. "That's not breakfast." He said. "I Don't freaking care im not eating there food." I said. He opened the door for me. "Go sit." He said. I sighed and went and found a table hidden in the corner. I saw a girl pointing at me through the window. I smiled and waved which made them freak out. Confused I Turned to look for harry. I saw him carrying a tray full of stuff. "Okay so I got every Breakfast thing and you can just try stuff." He said setting it down. "Harry I'm not going to eat any of this." I said grabbing the coffee. He pouted. "I mean this cofee is even disgusting" I said tyring to drink it. "What will make you?" He asked with a simirk on his face. "If we go somewhere else." I said. "Fine but first you have to drink the coffee " He said. "Fine "I said annoyed. I grabbed the cup and started drinking.It was so disgusting. It tasted like throwup. I wanted to stop but if I wanted food I had to. I took the last sip and threw the cup at harry." Don't you ever make me do that again! " I said standing up and walked out.The taste was still in my mouth and it burned my throat. " SUMMER WAIT UP!!!!!!!!" I heard Harry call running after me. I got to the car and waited as he had the keys. He walked up to me and grabbed my waist. " I'm sorry I shouldn't you do that." He said not taking his eyes off of me. " Its fine but it was bloddy disqusting! Don't ever make me drink it again! " I said. "Fine " He said smiling showing his dimpeles. I felt his lips on mine. As always I felt the fireworks. "Uggh you're right that's disqusting!" he said pulling back and opening the door for me. I smiled and got in. I pulled out my phone and opened the twitter app. "What are you doing? " Harry asked turning on the car. "Getting on Twittah" I said. As the app was loading I a hand on my thigh. I looked up and saw him looking at road with a smirk on his face. I smiled.and looked back to the app.

@SummerSpencer- Day out with @HarryStyles. Should I be excited?

@LouisTomlinson- @SummerSpencer Nope!!! Rollarcoasters are his biggest fear

@SummerSpencer - To bad! Hes going on them!! #Rollarcoasterfreak

"O My gosh! I'm trending!" I said schocked as #Rollarcoasterfreak was trending. "What did you tweet? " Harry asked. " #Rollorcoasterfreak." I said exiting out of the app. "I don't like Rollar Coasters."He said. " I know I heard " I said as we turned into the place. "Small.Problem " Harry said. "What? " I asked. "Its closed." He said. " Of ccourse " I moaned. "Here lets go out to get breakfest and then figure something else out." He said backing the car up. "Sounds great. I saw a mall just up the street with a nandoes." I said. "Then off we go!" He said. 5 minutes later we pulled up to the mall and found a resterant. "Hello! How many? " A girl asked while checking out Harry. I slipped my hand into Harry's as I already didn't like this girl. She had straight Bleach Blonde hair and her face caked In make-up. "Follow me " She said smiling at Harry,Scowling at me. We follwed her. "So we have a show tomarrow?" I asked. "Eh....What? Oh ya " He said smiling. " Here you go. Ill be back in just a minute" She said. We sat down and I stared at him. "What? " He asked. "I cannot belive you! " I said. "What?" He asked confused. "Nevermind," I saic putting on a fake smile as the she came back. "So what to drink?" She asked looking at Harry. "Um can I a Coke?" He said Flashing her one of his dazzling smiles. she turned to look at me. "Um can I have the same but diet." I asked. "You Sure? Because the Diet isn't helping you at all!" she said looking me up and down. I looked down feeling very inscure. She left and I pulled out my phone. "So when do you leave for the Tour?" He asked. I felt his eyes on me but I kept looking at My texting Dani

"At resteraunt with harry. Waitress complete slut. called me fat and harry didn't do a thing. HELP."

I taped the table waiting for Danielle to Reply. "Hello? Earth to Summer" He said reaching for my hand. I pulled it back looking at him. "Whats Wrong?" He asked so oblivious to what has happed. I phone beeped. I looked down at the text

"I will come. Whats the Resterant?"

"Nandoes. Text me whe youre here."

"Summer what the fuck is wrong? First you want to tell me something and You say nevermind. Now youre not talking to me." He said annoyed. I looked at him. "What wrong is that you didnt stand up for me when that slut called me fat!" I said. He looked shocked. "Babe she didnt say that. Are you feeling alright" he asked. "I Feel fine! Why dont you belive me?" I asked angrily. He sighed and leaned back as she came back. "Here is youre coke." She said handing Harry his. I saw a note stuck to the bottom probaly with her phone number. She turned to me with smirk on her face. "Sorry but we ran out of Diet Coke so I brought you a water instead. I mean it will help with your look to." She said handing it to me. I quickly stood up. "No I think this would look better on you" I said smiling sweetly. I grabbed Harrys Coke and y water and poured on her.She gasped looking at herself covered in soda and water. I quickly grabbed my bag and phone and ran out of the resteraunt. I quickly dialed Danielle but hung-up when I saw her outside. I ran to her car and opened the passenger door. "Oh Sorry Li." I said quickly shut-it. I opened the back door. "DRIVE!" I yelled and we drove off. "So what happened?" Danielle asked. "Well I poured soda on the waiter and Harry said im a liar" I said shrugging my shoulders like it was no big deal. They both turned to look at me there eyes wide."DANI EYES IN THE ROAD!!!!" I screamed as she was starting to drift to the other lane. She whipped her head back around. "Are you guys over?"She asked. "Not yet. I want him to apoligize. I mean he should right?" I asked Liam. "Yea he should but summer he probably won't " He said.. " then were over." I simply stated. I looked out the window and rested my head against the glass. It was cold and felt so good on my head. My phone vibrated and I saw a text from Harry.

"Summer where are you?! I'm really worried. Please let me.know your okay. I'm really sorry about the whole.lunch thing. I still love you xxxxxx "

I sighed and closed my eyes thinking of a plan to make harry feel the same way I did.

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