Chapter 18

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Is this Normal? I asked my self. Well obviously not as I was laying in a ball on the floor of my closet. I came up here as soon as I got home. Anyminute now I knew people would look for me but they wouldnt look in the closet. Well Danielle would but that's okay beaches I really want to talk to her. Shes with Liam. Liam is in a band. Harry's in that band. God I miss him. NO stop thinking about Harry. I sat up and looked around for my laptop. I found it next to my bag and pulled it over to me. I opened it and I was instantly overwhelmed with hurt. I forgot my screen saver was a picture of me and Harry. I heard the door opened and quickly shut the computer. "SUMMER!" I heard Harry yell. I lauded back down in a ball crying at hearing his voice. I heard a lot of voices before I heard feet running.up here. "Summer?" Harry asked. He was now in my room. Don't.breath. I heard rushling and doors opening then it all stopped. "She's Gone." He whispered right outside the door. "Harry did you find her?" I heard Danielle ask. YES maybe she will kick him out and then come in here and talk to me. "Did you look in the closet?" She asked. "No it was locked." He said. "Summer are you in there?" Danielle whispered on the other side of the door. "Ya." I said trying to whisper but didn't do a good job as Harry Heard me. "Summer Im so sorry! Please let me explain!" He pleaded. I could hear the hurt in his voice. "Harry Go. Let me talk to her." Danielle said. It was quiet for a minute then Danielle unlocked the door. "Hey." She said coming in and shutting it behind her. "Did they make it through?" I asked sitting up. "Ya. Harry was a wreck though. " She said sympathy in her voice. "So I guess you know what happened." I said angry as harry probably said a different story. " Sorta. But I wanna hear your story As I belive you over them." She said patting my back. "I saw Harry and Cher kissing. I don't know who started it but He wasn't pulling away or pushing her off." I said tears coming again. She pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry." She said. "I don't know what to do! " I said crying harder. "Well you first need to talk to him. I know you wont want to now but you need to soon. Hear his story. Maybe there's a reason."She said. I nodded. "Danielle is it bad for me to still love him?" I asked. She smiled. "No its normal." She said. We were quiet for a minute. "Dani can I come in? Its Niall." He said from outside the closet. " Yes." I said. "He walked in and came next to me. "You okay?" He asked worridly. "Ya I guess. Miss him though." I said smiling at the last part. " What happened after?" I asked. "Well, I went to find Harry. He was about to kill Cher and Probaly would if me and Louis werent there. Then we went onstage to see if we made it threw. Cher was in the bottom two though so that made Harry a little better but she made it threw." He said. "Oh." I said. "Listen Summer, I know youll want to get back with him. Give it a week though please for me. " She asked. "Why?" I asked confused. "Well I mean you guys just sorta got in a fight, This happened, You guys just need a little space.And a week isnt even that long!" She said trying to sound positive. I looked at her like she was crazy but slowly understood her logic. "Okay. For you" I said smiling at her. "Also we were invited to The Manchester United game next monday, Would you want to come?" Niall asked. Today was sunday that meant that me and Harry could be back together for the game. "YES!!!" I said louder then I meant to. " NIALL LETS GO!" Louis yelled. "Bye Nialler." I said getting up and giving him a hug. "Bye Summer, Danielle" He said before walking out. "Go say bye to Liam!" I said nuddging her out. She smiled at me before leaving me alone in my closet again. This is awful

POV Harry.

"She hates me!" I mummbled into the pillow. I was laying on Summer and Dani's coach while Niall and Danielle were up there comforting her. That should be me! " No she dosen't mate. She just angry and confused." Louis said. "Ya. Imgaine seeing your girlfriend makeout with some dude!" Zayn said. "I DID NOT MAKE OUT WITH CHER!!!! SHE KISSED ME!!!!" I yelled at Zayn startling him. "Maybe we should do Dr.Phil?" Louis questined making me scowl at him. "Just give her some space and time." Liam said looking at his watch. "We should get going." He said before yelling up at Niall. He came down followed by Danielle. I sat up and looked at him. He gave me a small smile and came next to me. "How is she?" I asked him. "Okay. Heartbroken, but she still loves you.Dani is making her wait a week before she talks to you" He said. "Im such a Arse!" I said angerily. "Harry you cant blame it on you! Cher kissed you rember!" Danielle said. At that moment I saw movemet on the stairs. I got up and walked over to see Summer sitting there. Her makeup was smeared and her hair was in bun. "Summer." I said. She looked up, her eyes widening. She quickly stood up and ran upstairs leaving me standing there.

******A Week Later*********

POV Summer

This was the hardest week of my life. I saw Harry everywhere and we kept running into each other. Cher was always there too. Throwing her self on him. Most times it was only when I was around and Harry would always push her away which made me smile and think maybe he stills like me. The hardest part is he keeps trying to talk to me and I couldnt since I promised Danielled. Its not that i cant talk to him, its just if I do talk to him I wont be able to wait a week. "So I can talk to Him today?" I asked Danielle eagerly. We were on are way to the Studio for results. "I never said you couldnt talk to him. I just asked that you didnt get back together for a week." She said plainly. "Therefore I couldnt talk to him." I said to myself. "What do I say?' I asked her. "Just explain it to him. Oh look there they are." She said. "You planned this didnt you?" I asked her while she was sitting in the drivers seat giddily. "Just go!" She said pushing me out of the car. I sighed and walked over to the boys. "Hi guys." I said. "Hey Summer!" They all said except Harry who was looking at me longingly. "Um Harry Could I talk to you?" I asked. I saw Niall eye me suspicously but I ignored it. I walked over to the side of the building with Harry behind me. "So what makes you want to talk to me now?" He asked anger in his voice. "Harry, Ive wanted to talk to you all week but I couldn't." I said. "Why?!" He said through clenched teeth. "I told Danielle I wouldn't get back together with you for a week. If I talked to you I knew I wouldn't be able to. Everything about you makes it harder to stay away!" I said trying to get him to belive me. He was quiet trying to read my face. "Okay I belive you." He said. "Great, Now your turn. Why did you kiss cher?" I asked. He scrathced the back of his head. "You have to belive me. Se kissed me!" He said. I looked at him. He looked so sad and helpless. I was quiet trying to think things over. "I went in to talk to her about calling you a slut and she said she liked me. I tolde her I didnt like her, She then said I could either break up with you or she would hurt you. I told her she was crazy then she kissed me. I tried to push her off but she was strong. I want to take back going back to talk to her because I cant stand losing you!" He said a tear trickling down his face. "Harry.." I started but he started talking again. "Summer I love! Please I need you to belive me! I wont let her do anything to you. I wont even go near her!!!!" He said shaking slightly.I Couldnt stand seeing him like this. I huggerd him. He looked taken back and just stood there. I took a step back. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Im an Arse." He said. "Harry stop! I belive you!" I said. He looked at me seeing if I was lying. A smile crept on his face showing his dimples. I smiled too. "Thank you!" He said pulling me into his arms. Hs face was in the crook of my neck. "Im taking you out tonight." He whispered in my ear sending shivers up my spine. "Okay." I said. "We should get going in. Danielle will prob think we left." He said taking my hand. "Okay" I said as we walked inside hand in hand, just like it should be


Hi guys! O MY KEVIN I HAVE ALMOST 200 READS!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!! You have no idea how much that means. I mean its not as much as others but to me its just awesome So thank you. I really hope you like this chapter and its dosent seemed rushed. I have decided I'm gonna do sequel and have it be based on after the X-Factor and more present day. Anyways I hope you like this and sorry if there are any mistakes.

Also Have you listened to Take me Home yet?!!?! Isn't it just so amazayn!!!!!! What is your favorite song? Do you have one or is it just the whole album!

-Sydney xxxxx

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