Prologue P2.

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( Warning: I may switch between the Manga and the actual anime during writing.)

'Ugh.. My head...' Y/n thought

" She's....." a woman's voice echoed in Y/n's head ".. so beautiful.." A male voice finished.

' What? Who's saying that?' Y/n thought trying to open her eyes... She couldn't! They were so heavy to her, but even so she tried.

" H-honey! She's opening her eyes!" The woman yelled, shaking the man beside her.

" He-llo?" Y/n slurred out making the people in the room gasp.

" Her first word?! B-but so soon!" The nurse panicked as more nurses were trying to contain her.

The woman hold Y/n looked at them in terror " I-is there s-something wrong with her?!" She shouted, eyes wide with fear.

The doctor looked at her with a concerned face " I-..I'm not sure, please allow us to run some tests." The woman looked at her husband, who gave the doctor a nod.

The doctor quickly grabbed Y/n and ran out the doors, startling anyone that was out there.
After a few hours the doctor came back, a smile evident on his face.

" Mrs. and Mr. L/n" The doctor coughed getting their attention.

" Is she okay?!" The father yelled nervously, which received a shush from a nurse.

" Yes," The married couple sighed in relief " In fact she's beyond just okay, our research on her suggests that she's smarter than just any baby, like.." The doctor paused smiling in pure excitement " She already knows everything! Your child will definitely flourish as she gets older, but there is a bad thing... She might not be able to be like other normal kids. She might have trouble fitting in.." The doctor sighed giving their child back.

The man and woman nodded sadly but smiled at the child, " It's ok, thank you doctor.." The father hugged his wife.

" What shall you name her?" A nurse asked sweetly to them.

They looked at eachother nodding, they had already picked a name
" Y-Y/n!" The baby yelled wiggling.

Everyone looked shocked " How did she know?" The mother asked lowly.

' UHHH I MAY HAVE MADE A MISTAKE..' Y/n internally freaked.

" Whatever... MY BABY!~" the Dad anime cried now hugging Y/n.

" Dear be careful.." The mom shushed her husband looking weary. " I love you.." The Dad cooed softly " I love you too." The mom sighed.

Everything was quiet afterwards, peaceful indeed..

Extra: Y/n wiggled then suddenly froze ' I HAVE TO GO THROUGH PUBERTY AGAIN! NOOOOO!!'
Hoped you liked it, sorry but it's sucks I'm just tired... sorry! I'll try better next time! Love you guys!~

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