6.) Reminder Of The Past

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( Might include cursing so yeeeett)

( Please forgive me for not updating soon , so I'll try to make this one long.)

" Ok, so no way in heaven," You paused pointing at the demon laying on your bed " I'm wearing a skirt." You growled, flipping it off.

" BUT IT'S THE ONLY UNIFORM I HAVE!" You anime cried, sinking on the floor.

" FINE! I'LL DO IT DANG IT!" You yelled putting your bare foot on your bed with a manly tear, the background turning to manly waves, making you look like a warrior.

You walked to your closet and grabbed some "Good quality" black leggings.

You put on the black leggings, which you had to say were really comfortable.

You put on the skirt, the looked in the mirror. Your eyes looked yourself up and down...

" Dang, I'm looking like a snack." You nodded to yourself. You walked away and started doing your normal morning routine.

You smiled knocking on your friends door. It suddenly opened only to be faced to faced with Izuku, who immediately flushed.

' S-She looks really cute in a skirt!!' Izuku thought looking at you. " Come on Izuku! We're going to be late!" You grabbed his arm pulling him out.

" Bye Inko!" You waved happily, continuing to walk away.

" Class 1-A! Yess! I've been waiting for over 20 years!" You smiled brightly opening the door.

" Take your feet off that desk right now! " Iida told Bakugou " Huh?" Bakugou said smirking..

" I'm to old to care about these kids shit." You deadpan, while Izuku was freaking out at you cussing.

" Yo Baka-hoe! Stop messing with the boy!" You smirked walking over.

' Holy fuck! S..Shes to cute in that!' Bakugou thought, keeping his angry face with slight dusted cheeks.

" What did you call me?!" He yelled at you who just blinked at him blankly.

" Uh.. can't you hear? I call you Baka-hoe." You facepalmed.

" YOU WANNA DIE?!" He yelled standing up and taking you by your shirt collar.

" Actually I do, but not now! I have to make a reverse hare-." You smiled but got cut off by your thoughts, ' AIZAWA!!' You made bakugou let go and walked away.

You could here Bakugou's distant angry muttering. " Oof, that was tuff." You sighed walking to deku, who was now blushing at the one and only Uraraka.

" O-oh.. Y/n.." Izuku blushed feeling your hand now on his shoulder,
" Who is this?" Iida asked going closer to inspect your face.

" A-ah, You probably don't remember me, but I'm the one who yelled happily during Present Mic's speach. I'm Y/n L/n, but you both can call me Y/n." You smiled blushing at the closeness of a used to be Iida.

" Oh right! That was some great enthusiasm!" Iida complimented making you blush some more.

" Always happy to chear on a hero!" You smiled brightly giving a thumbs up.

You heard someone in the background say " She such a thiccc matured woman.."

'Mineta your dead to me, but... we both can be friends.. as long as you don't grope me..' You thought.

You looked at Bakugou who was glaring at Izuku... FLASHBACKKK..

~~~~~~~~~~~~. 3rd.....~~~~~~
The principal smiled " I can't believe we don't have one, but three students heading off to U.A! And to think your one of them Midoriya. It's a miracle." He said in glee.

Izuku grunted along with you who was also thrown to the wall.

" What did you both do to pass the exam? You both must have cheated somehow, right? I'm supposed to be the first and only student from this crappy school to get into U.A, but you both had to go and screw it all up! I warned you not to apply!" Bakugou yelled gripping both Izuku's and your shirt collars.

You ripped Bakugou's grip off yourself and grabbed his shirt collar instead, " Kacchan.." Izuku started " Someone I looked up to told me that I can become a hero.. That's why I applied. That's why I'm going.. Like it or not you can't stop me!" Izuku yelled.

You smiled, " As for me 'Kacchan' " you frowned looking into his eyes seriously,

" I want to protect everyone who's lost, broken, hated and be their shinning light!" You glared at the floor, shadows cast on your face.

" And don't you ever for forget the name Clover: The Inspiring Hero!" You smiled brightly, walking away with Izuku.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ back~~~~~~~~
Bakugou tch'd annoyed and looked away. You sighed with a soft smile.

" If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now." A low, sexy (wHeEzE) voice said, sending shivers down your spine.

You whipped your head around and practically shinned, but kept quiet for him to continue.

" Welcome to U.A's hero course." Aizawa blankly said, drinking an apple sauce thing.

' Aizawa.. I have so much respect..' You thought internally anime crying.
Aizawa slowly got up.

" It took you all eight seconds to quiet down, that's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that. " He said, pulling off his yellow caterpillar looking sleeping bag.

' I love him so much right now omgoodness.' You thought brightly.

" Hello I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher." Aizawa finished.

" FREAK YEAH WE GET TO HAVE ERASURE HEAD AS OUR TEACHER!" You bursted out in joy, your smile shinning way to bright.

' Blinding..' Literally everyone thought, dark shadow was in fear at the light...

" Right, let's get to it, " Aizawa said getting out some uniforms. " put these on and head outside." Aizawa informed lazily.

You grabbed one and went into the girls locker-room. You already changed pants so you started to take off your shirt, making others look... ( lmao ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

" Y/n, not to be nosy but how'd you get that scar across your back?" Uraraka asked, gaining some more attention.

You tensed and put the U.A. shirt on. " Nothing important really." You said now walking outside.

' No one needs to know.' You thought glaring at the floor, looking up
' No one..' You thought darkly.

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