15.] Ouch.

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Guess who's back? 😎
The author who will no longer take any of your time, read to your hearts content loves! 🥰🥰🥰

I'll just be showcasing her battles, I hope you don't mind-

A sweat bead glided from Y/n's temple to her chin as she thought about her matches.

If she were to win all of them she would have to face off against Bakugou, would she throw the match for him? For the plot?

The teen groaned at the incoming headache, she can't do this.

" I just want to die."

" Ugly?" Bakugou's familiar voice sounded beside her.

The girl yelped loudly and fell from her chair with a groan, " I'm too tired for this Katsushit..."

The said male glared, " The fuck you just call me?" The girl stifled the word 'daddy' from her thoughts, " Nothing."

" That's what I thought."

Bakugou looked down at the quiet girl, her usual wack self was gone and to be honest it was unsettling to the young boy.

Bakugou, deciding to be a normal human being for once opened his mouth, " What's wrong with you?"

He was met with silence which made him growl.

" I try being nice for one damn time and you don't answer?!" Bakugou kicked the her side, not enough to bruise, but it still hurt.

Y/n bolted up while holding her side, "Dude! That hurt, you bottom!"

" Bottom?! What the fuck are you-"

The two started yelling at each other to beating each others asses which honestly would be fun to watch except the fact that from behind the closed door was a grape that took the grunts of pain as something else.

Mineta held the wall with wide eyes that seemed to be bleeding? His anger and jealousy was written all over his face, he had to vent it somehow!

That's when the thought came, girls in cheerleader outfits! He can almost see the godly sight.

Sipping on a drink you couldn't help but drift your eyes to the thickest man in the hallway, which so happened to be the #2 hero.

Enji was packing some cake... Oh shit, you forgot he was a dick in season two. Damn, forgetful tendencies...

He seemed to have caught your gaze, though not knowing the direction of your eyes. He didn't even know his ass was to be drooled over.

" You."

You choked on your apple juice, before coughing roughly. All while the man was starring at you die.

" Yeah, just ignore me dying, I'm okay with that." You mumbled before looking up at the tall man.

" What?"

" What's your name and quirk?"

It didn't really sound like a question. You raised a brow at Enji, " Sir, If you're trying to pick me up I'm sure that'd be pedophilia. You look 60."

He gained a tick mark, " I'm not." He growled.

You narrowed your eyes with a smirk, " You're almost All Mights age. Anyways... Name's Bond, James Bond."

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