11.) Reality Hits Hard, but Y/n Hits harder.

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This chapter might be little serious sorry. ITS GOING TO BE A LONG BOI   SO LETS GOOOO.

Your chest heaved up and down, your healing quirk trying it's best to keep your body in one piece.

Your classmates couldn't help but watch helplessly as the doctors from the emergency room lifted you to a stretcher and carried you into an ambulance.

The reason being was after you blacked out your body started to decompose on itself, which not only terrified your classmates but the doctors too, they'd never seen a case like this!

They almost shut the door before a certain ash blonde haired male forced himself in, " I knew her since childhood, let's go." His ruby eyes burning with seriousness, even if he won't admit it, you're no doubt his friend and probably his best one at that.

" And she saved my life." Shouta also pushed himself in.

The doctors couldn't argue at the moment and closed the doors to drive off, leaving everyone else in complete concern.

" Will she be okay?..." Uraraka asked the question they all thought, even through the little time they knew each other you had always been there to make them laugh and smile.

" Unfortunately, we do not know." An assistant doctor that stayed to help stated, which only crushed their hopeful spirits.

Everyone stood in regret, they should've helped you, now look what's happening to you, just because they didn't help.


Hours passed by and the doctors finally came out, all they had to hear was, " She's stabilized and awake for now." Before bolting in the room.

Aizawa and Bakugou both worried out of their ends wits!

" Oh hey..." Your usually goofy and loud voice turned soft, eye lids half open just enough to let them see your dull eyes.

" Are you stupid?" Bakugou's unusually calm voice worried you, " Huh?"

" You attacked without thinking, do you know how reckless that was?!" His voice ended up trembling, " Don't you know how worried we were?! How worried everyone else was?!"

You gazed at him with wide eyes, he of all people was worried for you?

A large hand landed on your head, " Bakugou enough," he looked at your eyes, " What he's saying is that you should've waited for the other pro's." Aizawa stated in a scolding tone.

You let out a shaky smile, " I'd hug you but my body hurts."

" Thank you both so much." You smiled brightly.

" Come closer both of you." You ordered, which they followed surprisingly.

Their faces weren't out of reach, good.

You leaned up as far as you could and you kissed both of their cheeks, healing them both.

What you didn't notice is that both their faces tinted pink, with one being a cherry and the other covering his mouth and looking away.

Bakugou being the tsundere he is lightly wacked your head, " Idiot." He flushed.

You couldn't help but giggle at the sight enjoying the moment before the door got knocked on.

" Come in." Y/n called out waiting for the person to step inside.

You immediately went pale as you saw Nezu, oh lord this is going to be a serious matter...

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