Q & A Answer!

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MisaoMakamichi asks-

I have had this question from the start but never found any of chapters appropriate to ask, what made the reader have multiple quirks and gain another one for each of her birthday's?

Well it's actually something I've been plotting ever since the quirk of getting a quirk on her birthday was described in the character information chapter.

Since spoilers are in order with it I'm going to try my best to not spoil anything.

The reason I gave her that ability was because to save anyone from death or something tragic she has to sacrifice something, who's to say that that something may not be a quirk or two?


Tsukikage_Serif_Choi asks-

How big is the reader's Big Gay Energy?

Not that big yet, ✊😔.


Emmgirl007 asks -

How does one function without coffee?

Energy drinks-

Anon asks-

Will there be any romance between the villains and her?


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