12.) Cue workout scene!

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Bro are we just not going to talk about the fact that this book hit .
I can't even express how much I love you all, I didn't even know that people would actually want to read my cringy writing, thank you guys so much! ❤️❤️❤️

A free day to train and you had no clue how to do it.

Maybe you could ask some people?

You choked on your uvula, " I can ask one of the big three!" You nearly anime cried at the thought of being able to fight them, even though you're sure they can make you a bottom in five seconds.

( Especially Mirio ÙwÚ)

Yet how were you able to get one of their attentions? Especially because you're such a potato!

So you sat there, barbecue sauce on your titties-

You coughed looking at the low-key perverted Author, " Why is this so familiar?"

" Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about, now shush! The readers will be as confused as I am."


You had a realization, what if one of them were using the training room at Yuuei!

So with thine fine thickness you ran to the training room, ignoring the sirens blasting after you.

" OoOoOh shi-" Your voice cut oof when you face planted against the doors of the building.

You let out a muffled cry of pain allowing your body to get peeled back like a band aid and get thrown to the floor by a force known as gravity.

" Mother trucker dude that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick."

Your bones cracked and popped as you got up, fastly healing due to your quirk that happened to change after the USJ incident.

Yeah you read those words right, your healing quirk basically not only was on-going like a healing factor for your body but you could still heal others as well, it was dope as fuck.

Walking inside the building you smiled feeling as though you were about to be a bad bitch, time for training!

Your e/c eyes danced around trying to see if anyone was there, and oh mama, there was.

Mirio was training with his quirk— Your soul is beyond blessed for the image of his beautiful naked body flying like an angel into the pillars of cement-

You smacked you hand over your nose, wiping away the blood that had exited and walked forward a little bit,
" Hey Mirio, remember me?"

The said boy looked back before frantically yoting himself in the cement.

' To bad, I was enjoying the view.' Your inner self cried.

" Y/n! nice to see you again. What are you doing in here?" He smiled back at you, wait can't he see your double chin at that angle-

" Training, obviously, well wanting to, I was wondering if you wanted to be my sparing partner?" You kneeled down so it didn't look at awkward.

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