10.) The E-Girls and E-boys Are Attacking! P2

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Last time on Here I Go-

" That shit isn't culture, you're just an idiot."

Y/n anime cried, " So cruel, this is why I would chose kiri over you any day."

" Fuck you."

" No thanks, Baku-thot."
Hope you don't mind me changing some plot ;)))

" Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you."

Everyone gasped in amazement, well at least the bubbly ones.

" I can't wait to show you what's inside." Thirteen pointed inside.

The class couldn't help but think, ' This is going to awesome!'

Y/n knew her class gasped in amazement but she didn't care, her focus was plainly the villains that were yet to pop out.

" Stay back, those are real villains!"

On the other hand, maybe she could wing it.

" Bich" Y/n cursed as a certain black mist appeared.

" Sorry for the intrusion-" Kurogiri was cut off by a peaved Y/n, " Look here you overgrown fart particle! You can either leave or fight me!"

Everyone sweatdropped, ' What an idiot.'

Kurogiri with a swift flick of his non showing wrist made a portal engulf her body.

" Y/n!" Kirishima yelled as he tried to grip any part of her, but it was too late.

____ meanwhile_____

" Fuuuuuuuu-omf!" The girl screeched while landing on something hard then rolling of onto another hard thing.

Y/n looked down to see her teacher face planted into the ground.

" Oh shet." She sweatdropped, seeing a shadow above her.

Y/n gripped Aizawa to her body as she shot from under the thing, that she realized was the Nomu.

" Shouta, are you okay?" She used his first name, think if it as a slip of the tounge or at least that's what he thought.

Wait, now that she mentioned feeling okay, was she....Was she healing him? He felt his arm bones mend into their original position, yet it wasn't painful in the least.

Even with her healing him though the amount of blood loss he went sustained will definitely be troublesome.

The said male caught a glimpse of an angered expression, but softened eyes on him.

"I'm fine," Aizawa pushed himself up, " Thank you Y/n." He smiled lightly.

Y/n swooned, oh lord I think her ovaries just exploded.

" Ew." She heard a voice speak, Nani the heck that voice keeps on talking to her!

" Nomu, kill the girl." A oddly familiar voice ordered.

" Wait, I recognize that crusty, dusty and musty voice. Didn't you learn your lesson when I kicked you in the balls?!" Our lovely protagonist flipped the bird.

Nomu elbowed her in the gut but not before piercing her skin with a syringe then sending her into a mountain, making her cough up blood.

" Y/n." Aizawa's worried gaze flicked to the bleeding girl who let's say was twitching rapidly and breathing irregularly.

" How bold of you to look away, Eraser!" Shigaraki's voice cackled as Eraser was once again too slow to react, therefore allowing Nomu to full on body slam him.

" What...What did you inject her with?!" Aizawa groaned.

Shigaraki's mouth gave a sadistic smile, " A little something master gave me! He said it would erase her quirks!"


Izuku, Mineta and Tsuyu froze, did he say erase her quirks?!

Tsuyu went pale, " Y/n's quirks will be.... Erased?"

Izuku couldn't help but shake as he stared ahead, the powerful bright girl he knows would loose her abilities?

Uneasy was a word you could use to describe the tension in the air.

" You as- Agh!" Aizawa screamed in pain as his arms were shattered by the Nomu.

" Do not touch him!" An annoyed voice growled to interrupt, sending a shivver down anyone who watched spine's.

Shigaraki's noted a difference within her stance, she was on all fours, had a very large crimson aura and to top it all off had black eyes that dripped blood mixed with black ooze.

The girl herself also realized this and grew a tick mark, " Come at me, pussy!" She demanded.

" Also what the hell did you do to me?!" She charged at the male only to here the doors slam open, she didn't even glance, she knew who it was but she only cared about killing the Nomu and scolding Shigaraki.

Nomu charged at the fuming girl and instead of hitting her its arm was ripped off its body.

She smirked, " Snack." She licked her dry lips and bit into it's neck, ripping it's throat out and gulping it down.

Nomu grabbed the back of her shirt and threw her down, only for her to pounce back up and open her mouth wide, showing off her newly sharpened teeth.

Y/n's jaw bone went out of place as she bit deeply into the head of the Nomu, repeatedly.

" Y/n!" All Might yelled, " You're late to the party." Y/n whispered, now noticing a bloody body being tossed to her like a football, it was Aizawa!!!

" Heal him and Thirteen!"

She nodded kissing Aizawa's cheek to heal him and then running like she's trying to catch up to her friends after tying her shoes.

" Shouta, you've lost a lot of blood, I need you to sleep even if you're healed." Y/n whispered while placing him beside Thirteen.

Y/n placed her hands on the sides of Thirteen's helmet and kissed their fore head.

Thirteens suit fixed itself as they knocked out cold.

Y/n sat in confusion as she looked at her hand which was turning blurry, " Y/n, your eyes, nose and mouth is bleeding!!" The floatly girl gaped at her.

" Oh." Y/n said blankly as everything went black.

" Damn it, I wanted to see if everyone was okay."

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