Chapter 8.2 - Slave

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Clarisai looked at the bracelet that Sapphire extended towards her.

"It's exquisite," Tajar gaped.

"Don't take it," Alam said.

"Alam, I can think for myself," Clarisai said.

Alam stepped over to her and gently, but firmly, took her arm. "It's a trap," he hissed into her ear.

"I know what it is," she said. "But what I don't know is what you are," she said calmly to Sapphire.

"You mean who I am, I assume?" Sapphire's eyes locked onto Clarisai's.

"That too," she answered.

"I am your host. And as I am not blessed with frequent guests, I offer you a gift." Alam felt a wave of trust wash over him. "If you do not like it, you do not need to wear it. But please accept the gift. I have so few opportunities to show generosity, that it would please me greatly to give a small token of beauty to such a sweet Evaran girl."

Alam smiled at Sapphire's kindness. It was right and natural for a simple young woman like Clarisai, so plain and humble, to accept so perfect a gift from someone as perfect as Sapphire.

Clarisai wordlessly took it from Sapphires' outstretched hand.

What the hell am I thinking?!

Alam squeezed his eyes shut.

"Does it fit?" he heard Sapphire purr.

Get out of me!

The allure vanished. He opened his eyes in time to see Clarisai slipping the bracelet past her knuckles.

"No!" He grabbed her hand to stop her slipping it onto her wrist. A frown creased her brow. She tried in vain to pull her arm away from him.

"Help her put it on," Sapphire ordered.

Tajar and the man and woman in white rushed to Clarisai's aid. Alam had almost pulled it off her hand when Tajar yanked his arm away. The two in white took hold of Clarisai.

Being suddenly grabbed broke the enchantment on Clarisai.

"Stop! Get off of me!" she cried. They did not.

"Tajar! Stop!" Alam pushed his friend away.

Too late. The man and woman pushed the bracelet past her hand and onto her wrist. It fit her snuggly, as if it had always belonged there. Clarisai shook herself free from the two in white and scramble to pull it off. It would not budge. However hard she tried, it would not move over her thumb.

"That was not so bad, was it?" Sapphire smiled.

"How do I take it off," Clarisai frowned.

"You need not do so. It fits you well, and suits you."

"What is going on, Sapphire?" Alam demanded. "You've brought us here, now what? When you first tricked me and Tajar into wearing these rings you said you wanted us to kill dargu that were threatening you. Was that all a lie?"

"First of all, I never said they were threatening me, I said that I needed you to help me get rid of them; secondly, I was telling the truth; thirdly, time is against us, you need to be ready to move in the morning. Therefore eat, rest and recover so you are fit to fulfil your part of our bargain."

"You can't force us to do anything," said Alam defiantly.

Sapphire laughed and drew closer to him and Tajar.

"You are sweet, Alam. I have missed you, not as much as I have missed Tajar," she gently stroked Tajar's face, "but I have missed you."

She pushed herself against Alam and stood on the tip of her toes so that her mouth was next to his ear.

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