Chapter Eight

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Luke's P.O.V

I walked into school and straight to my locker to see Calum and Ash waiting, Ashton was trying to calm Calum down

"What's wrong Cal?"

His head snapped round

"You wanna know what's wrong? YOU, YOU PRICK, HOW DARE YOU?"

"What are you on about?"

"Fuck off Luke" Ashton snapped, dragging Calum off

"What the hell?" I muttered

"HEMMINGS" I heard a familiar voice screamed

Before I could turn I felt arms on my shoving me into my locker

"How dare you? I thought you were Michael's friend, he trusted you, you prick, he liked you"

I looked up to see Hannah

"What have I done?"

I felt her fist hit my cheek

"You're so lucky I haven't killed you, I'll let Michael do that"

She stormed off, I looked around to see people staring at me, then I noticed Michael walking towards me

"Mikey? What's going on?"

He glared at me and shoved a piece of paper at me and waited for me to read it

'You're a dick, I thought I could trust you, I liked you, and I thought you liked me, but then I find out you're slagging me off to your boyfriend Blake, so I'm a freak with dyed hair, I'm a freakish mute, well fuck you Luke, also I found your boyfriend snogging Tom off the diving team round the back.

I'm done with you Luke, whatever friendship we had is over.


I felt tears sting my eyes


Before I could continue he punched me causing me to fall to the floor, with that he stormed off.

I pulled myself up and ignored the glares I got from people, I walked straight to first period and got to work.


Lunch came quickly, which was good, but bad at the same time, when I walked into the canteen the sight almost made me cry Calum and Ashton were comforting an almost crying Michael, but before I could do anything I saw Blake laughing a pointing at Michael.

I saw red

"OI BLAKE" I shouted gaining everybody to look at me

"Yes?" he asked all innocently

"You twat, I could kill you"

"What have I done?" He smiled and turned around

I grabbed him and spun him round to face me

"So you think you can insult my friend, you think you can get away with calling him a freak? That you can just insult him and then claim it was me?"

"I don't see the problem, it's not like anybody likes him"


"Why like him when you can have me?"

"Cause you're a worthless piece of crap, who cheats on me within three days, so you may think he's a freak but Michael is a much better person than you, and to me he is amazing, not a freak, so what if he doesn't talk, his personality is enough, so go fuck yourself"

Next thing I felt somebody on top of me and punching me

"Nobody talks to me like that"

"Maybe it's time somebody did" Ashton interrupted "now get the hell off him"

Ashton held out his hand and helped me up, without pausing I ran out of school and straight home

"What the hell happened to you?" Jack asked jumping up

"Holy shit, you look like crap" Ben added

"Thanks, I got into a fight"

"Well I can see that, but why?" Jack asked

I quickly told them what happened

"I'm gonna kill that goddamn piece of shit" Ben snapped

I smiled slightly

"Leave it, I just hope Michael doesn't hate me"

"Go to him"

"Maybe tomorrow, or the next, I don't know" I mumbled running to my room, before the tears fell


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