Chapter Eighteen

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Michael's P.O.V
I stood awkwardly beside Luke waiting for them to call us on stage, Luke was grinning like an idiot holding my hand.

"Ready?" He whispered

I nodded and smiled slightly "ready" I whispered.

"Next up is Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford, also known as '5 Seconds of Summer.'"

The crowd clapped as I gripped Luke's hand and walked onto stage.

"So this is a song written by Michael" Luke grinned speaking into the microphone "it's called 'Rejects'."

I let go of Luke's hand and walked over grabbing my guitar, I smiled at Luke and began to play.

'Back at school
They all thought I was an outcast, car crash
"A hopeless fool",
They said to me
And my girlfriend
Said I messed up, will I ever grow up?
In the end,
I'm not gonna
What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
Sick of the system
Don't wanna hear it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
I'm just a reject
My teacher said
I was mentally disabled, so unstable
So I'd stay in bed
All day
Save your breath,
You can talk at me but I'm not listening
If this is a test,
Then I'm probably failing
What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
Sick of the system
Don't wanna hear it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
They try to save me
But I'm too far gone
And they called me crazy
So I played along
And you wanna change me
But I'm on my own
La da da da da, la da da da duh
What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
Sick of the system
Don't wanna hear it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
I'm just a reject
I'm just a reject.'

I couldn't help but grin as the audience clapped, we bowed and walked off stage.

"I'll be back now." I muttered walking out of the room to get a drink, I didn't get five feet before a felt somebody grabbed my arm and pin me to the wall.

"We had a deal Clifford" Blake muttered "you don't talk, you stay away from Calum, Ashton and Luke and I don't tell them your little secret, but you've gone against that, so now I get to tell them." He smirked

I shook my head frantically, not able to speak.

"Then you do as I say, and if you don't, I might just let slip what happened four years ago, okay?"

I looked at my feet I didn't have a choice, the boys could never know what happened.

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