Chapter Fifteen

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Luke's P.O.V

"So are you auditioning?" Calum questioned Monday morning

I shrugged "I don't know"

"You should" Ashton encouraged "you're an amazing singer, and great at guitar"

I rolled my eyes "but I don't really want to go on stage in front of the school"

"Just sign up, what've you got to lose?" Ashton questioned

"My dignity" I muttered

Calum rolled his eyes "I'm signing you up" he yelled and run off

I was about to chase after him when I saw Michael "hey Mikey" I smiled

He looked in the direction Calum had ran off to and raised an eyebrow

"He went to sign me up for the school talent show" I explained "that dick, I hate performing on my own" I muttered

Michael done nothing for a moment before pulling out his phone and began typing and showed it to me.

'I play guitar'

I grinned and looked at him "would you perform with me?"

He bit his lip and began tying again

'I could, but on one condition'

"Anything" I smiled

He showed me his phone, once again 'Ashton and Calum perform with us, we used to make videos together'

I nodded and looked at Ashton "so wanna enter the talent competition?"

He grinned "yes, I'm getting Calum, let's meet at mine after school"


After school we all stood in Ashton's house planning

"So what song are we performing?" Calum questioned

Me and Ashton shrugged but Michael held out his notebook towards us

"That's great" Calum smiled

"Did you write that?" I questioned

Michael nodded

"It's amazing" I whispered

Michael blushed slightly and looked at his feet, ten minutes later we all began to practice

'Back at school
They all thought I was an outcast, car crash...'


Sorry it's short, also sorry for not updating, I've been away for a few days...

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