Chapter Seventeen

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Michael's P.O.V

Did he really just say that?

Did he mean it?

"Shit...I'm sorry Mikey, I know it's soon, but I really do" he stood up and began to pace "I'm such an idiot"

I stood up and placed my hands on Luke's shoulders, making him stand still, I quickly kissed him gently before looking into his eyes.

"I love you" my voice was barely above a whisper, I had barely ever spoke in years, and when I did it was only to Hannah.

Luke grinned like a child on Christmas "you spoke" he whispered kissing me.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist and burying my face in his neck, I felt him kiss the top of my head before pulling me to the bed and lying and down "go to sleep Mikey"
I nodded and rested my head on his chest.


"Michael wake up" Luke yelled shaking me.

I looked up and raised an eyebrow
"I forgot, the talent show is tonight, we need to practice, Calum and Ash are on their way"

I glared at Luke and flipped him off pulling myself out of bed.

"You know you love me" Luke grinned
"Sadly" I muttered feeling more confident to speak around Luke.

"I like your voice" Luke smiled

I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs grabbing my guitar, I still had no idea why I agreed to this.

After three hours we had the song perfected and started to get ready.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"
The three boys questioned standing in front of me, Luke hadn't told them I'd spoken to him and I hadn't spoke to Ash or Calum so I smiled slightly
I nodded and Luke nodded.

"So who's ready to perform?" Luke asked grinning

"WAIT" Calum yelled

We all looked at him

"We haven't got a band name"

"Shit" Ashton muttered "we're idiots"

The three boys starting brainstorming ideas, while I got lost in my own world, I suddenly thought of something

"5 Seconds Of Summer" I whispered

I watched as Calum and Ashton's heads snapped up and faced me.

Before I saw it coming Calum ran up and wrapped his arms around me

"You spoke" he whispered

"Always the tone of surprise" I whispered

Ashton stood grinning like an idiot "it's good to have you back Mikey"

"It's good to be back" I glanced at Luke and smiled at him, he smiled.

"So '5 Seconds Of Summer'? I like it" Luke smiled

"Great, we have a band name, now let's go" Ashton yelled

I know it's short, but some drama happens in the next chapter, so enjoy this while you can.
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