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Despite my pleads for him to stop Sebastian wasnt gonna let Danny off easy... They were best friends for fucks sake then I ruined it...like I ruin everything.

I sigh and help Danny and Sebastian get cleaned up. "You didnt have to fight him Sebastian. It wasn't that big if a deal..." "Not the big of a deal?! What do you mean Remington! You were 7 years clean! 7 fucking years!" I flinch from him yelling. "You act like I don't know that!" I say in a loud voice. I storm to my bunk grabbing my phone. Maybe this tour could end sooner.

I quickly call our manager...only driving from here...I get a plane ticket. I am leaving. I need a break and I need her.

"Rem?" Emerson says confused "yeah?" "Are you leaving the tour? We are at the airport" "maybe I am Emerson. Maybe I am not" I quickly pack my bags before heading out. And hug Emerson and get off the bus.

~time skip brought to you by rem's uncooked tomato soup~

I rush off the plane and look for my key. I forgot it! Fuck! I decide to text (Y/N)

Rem: hey! I am back in Cali but I forgot my key with the boys back in NY. Could I stay with you? It is only for a few days..

(Y/N): yeah of course. You will have to share a room with me

Rem: thank you so much!

(Y/N): i shall pick you up from the airport. Be there in like...30ish minutes

Rem: ok! Thanks cutie ;)

(Y/N): anytime

I put my phone down and sigh


I put my phone down and quickly change. I run downstairs "I am barrowing the car and a friend is staying over for a few days! Bye mom! Bye dad! Love ya both!" I say running out to the car after grabbing the keys. Now...to the airport!

Once I arrived I automatically see Remington. I jump out of the car and run over hugging him. He hugs back. he smells so good oh my god. "Darling your thinking out loud again...but thank you" I turn red "oh... i-i am sorry...but your w-welcome" I say trying to keep this as normal as possible but my stutter ruined that..

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud scream. I jump back.


It was like she is a piece of art. A piece of art that belonged in a museum hut was at an...airport? Bad way of explaining...my thoughts were cut short when I hear loud screaming. I quickly grab a startled (Y/N)'s hand and run to her car. I am not in the mood for fans...as much as I love them.

I throw my stuff in and sit in the passenger seat. She gets in out of breath. "W-what the fuck Remington? I-i don't run" "I am sorry" "no no..don't be"

she continues speaking but I tune her out.. I was starring at her...she amazes me... Her sparkling (e/c) eyes...her beautiful (h/c) hair...all of it was amazing. Again my thoughts were cut off..but not by what I was expecting.


I caught Remington starring...i wait a minute...then I go for it...I kiss him. To my surprise he kissed back...it was like his lips were made for mine. It was a kiss full of passion...it was full of sparks.

We both pull away. Smiles spreading across our faces. "T-that was...damn" I say. "I-I never knew you were such a good kisser remmy" "awe thanks" was all I got as a response before fans came up and started pushing the car side to side. "Rem what the fuck are they doing?!" "I don't know but it isn't fucking okay." With that he gets out causing all of them to run over. I heard very faintly what he was saying but when he got back in the car he looked pissed.

I could tell he was bruising badly...I grab his hand quickly and drive home...

Authors note
Word count: 706
A lot had happened so far. What will happen between remington and (Y/N). Will Alden get in the way? Find out soon.
Xx ~ a local emo

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