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(Y/n) POV

"Sweetheart, wake up. We have to go pick up your brother from the airport" my mom says softly. I slowly nod and get myself out of bed throwing on a Palaye Royale hoodie. I grabbed my phone and put in my ear buds while heading downstairs.

Am I in pajamas? Yes, but the only people that are gonna see me are my.brother and people I will probably never see again...at least that's what I thought.

"Are you ready to go?" My mom says quickly. I quickly respond yes before running to the car. I haven't seen my brother in months...I hope he hasn't changed to much.

~time skip to the airport~

I quickly jump out of the car and started looking for my brother. I looked for a few minutes before I decided to text him.
(Sis - (y/n) Bro - your brother)
Sis: hey! Where are you??

Bro: just got off the plane. Be patient small one

Sis: I am not that small! I am 22!

Bro: yeah 22 and still living with our parents. Nice try

Sis: whatever. I will see you soon

I put my phone down and look for my brother again. That's when I see them.  I am in the same room as Palaye Royale! I make sure my brother isn't here yet and runs over accidentally bumping into remington making him drop his coffee. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!" "No no don't be! We were both heading the same direction I should have payed attention" Remington replied smiling. Oh my god his smile. "Take a picture it will last longer darling" Remington says chuckling. I quickly stop staring. "O-oh sorry" I nervous laugh.

"Remington Leith Kropp! Hurry up we are gonna miss ou- who is this?" Emerson says.

"O-oh i just ran into him and he d-dropped his drink. I-i should get going." oh my god I am stuttering again! Ugh! "Ok...what's your name exactly?" Remington asks. "Its (y/n)" "I like it! I am Remington but you can call me Rem" he replies with a small smile. "I know...I sound like a creep...I swear I am not! I am just a big fan" I say gesturing to my hoodie.

Remington smiles. "It is always great to meet fans" he says putting a paper in my hoodie pocket. I didn't question it though. "Talk to you later (y/n). Bye!" "Bye Rem" I reply with a smile.

Then we parted ways...I just met Remington...Leith...Kropp! This is happening. My thoughts were cut off as I walk into my brother. "Oh my god! (Brothers name)!" I say hugging him tightly. "Hey (y/n)! I missed you" he says hugging back just as tight if not tighter. "This is the best day ever!" I reply with a huge smile.

~time skip to later that day~

Today went from amazing to horrible pretty quickly...as much as I love my brother he is so rude to my mom. All they have done is argue and it is getting annoying! But the arguing has settled down a little bit so that is good I guess.

"(Y/n)! Come down here!" my dad calls angrily. But he is only angry because of my brother. So I quickly go downstairs. "Yeah dad?" I say softly. "Get your brother a hotel for the night. We aren't having all of this arguing today" he says not looking away from the book he is reading. "But-" "Did I stutter (y/n)?" "No..I will be right back"

I head to my room again and get my brother a cheap hotel room. And text him.

Sis: I got you a hotel room

Bro: thanks! What's the address?

Sis: [insert address here]

Bro: ok! Love ya

Sis: love you too

I put my phone in my hoodie pocket when I feel something...I took it out and looked at it. It is Remington's number! I squeal causing my mom to run upstairs. "Are you okay?!" "Yeah mom I am perfectly fine. Sorry for scaring you." "Its fine hun. I am going to be though so no more squealing please" "okay. I love you" "Love you too. And get some sleep" I nod as she leaves the room. I decide to text Rem.

Y/n: hey! So this is (y/n) from the airport! You probably won't answer this but that is fine!

I wait a few minutes...no reply...I knew this was to good to be true. So I put my phone on the charger and watched some youtube on my laptop.

It was a few hours later when my phone went off. It was Remington. He said...

Authors Note
word count: 781
This is my first fanfiction that I am actually posting so yeah! Sorry if there is slow updates! Please feel free to comment, vote, and follow!
Xx ~ a local emo

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