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I kinda feel bad... I couldn't help her when she started freaking out but what was I to do? I didn't know what she was freaking out about. God I am a bad guy, I barely know her and I am staying at her house and I like her. What if she is just a crazy fan? Or out to get me? Or Sebastian or Emerson?

"Remmy are you alright?"

I quickly snap out of my thoughts "I am thank you love" I kiss her head and sigh.

I really don't think he is ok... for fucks sake I just freaked out and ran out... what can I do now though? I don't wanna seem crazy or anythi- my thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door.

"It's open unless you are my brother or Caleb, if you are then fuck off"

I sigh as my door opens to reveal my dad. I slightly look up... then I notice Remmy is clinging to me.. my dad is overprotective to say the least.

"Oh uh, I didn't mean to interrupt but your brother brought his girlfriend home for us to meet her. Do you want to..?"

"I mean... I guess I should do I don't come off as to much of a bitch," I say while getting up. "I will be right back Remmy"

I go downstairs and see my brother and his girlfriend and roll my eyes. "Uh hi I am (y/n) I am his sister" I hold my hand out for her to shake and all she does is smack it.

"Look, I get he has probably told you lots of bad things about me but I am being a decent enough person to come down here and introduce myself you could give me some fucking respect" I say while putting my hand out again... again she slaps it away. "Look I am gonna be in my room, I don't need to deal with this shit, don't come asking me for anything later on"

I roll my eyes and go back to my room, why do people have to be so damn rude here, I sigh and sit down again.

"Wanna get out of the house love?"

"I guess we could do that Remmy just have to be careful cause of my knee"

I slightly smile as he nods. We both put on our shoes and head out of the house.

Authors Note
Word count: 410
I am back! School has been very stressful to say the least, if you ever need to talk I am here.
Xx ~ a local emo

My Vampire Prince(Remington Leith x reader)[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now