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We had pulled up to a retro diner. I have always wanted to come here but never had the chance to.

"Ready (Y/N)?"

He took my hand and we went inside. It was the most cliche retro diner you could think of, but it was nice. We got a table and sat across from each other.

"So...uh...what is tour life like?"

"Stressful, tiring, fun...what is your life like? Like...what do you do for a living?"

"I work at the theater and the coffee shop so pretty boring if I do say something myself"

"Fun fun" he says with a small chuckle.

I smile at him as a waitor comes over, he looks oddly familiar. "Hi, my name is Alden, I will be your server today. What can I get you guys today?" Remmy and I both order. The waitor goes to the back and I look at Rem shooting him a small smile.

I swear I know that waitor but how....

I shrug it off and fiddle my thumbs. "So what made you leave your early Rem?" "Oh uh...n-nothing important. Just wanted to come back...you know?" I just nod. I knew something was up but I wasnt going to bother him about it. I grab a strong hold onto his hand as the waitor comes back over with our milkshake and food.

I smile and thank him before starting to eat. I look up at Rem who is already almost finished with his food. "How are you almost done? Are you a vacuum cleaner?" I say with a light giggle. "Obviously I am (y/n). You didnt know that?" I shake my head softly giggling. "you are a dork you know that lieth?" "I do indeed darling"

~time skip brought to you by Sebastian's chess obsession ~

"Tonight was really fun Rem"

"I am glad you enjoyed it love"

I smile and take his hand walking into my house. We go up to my room. I close my door when we get into the room.

"I am sorry if you wanted to do anything but I am really tired and I need to shower" I say softly. He softly pecks my lips "it is fine darling. Don't slip in the shower" "I won't dork"

Authors Note
Word count: 385
Sorry for like...never updating. also sorry for such a short chapter. Once summer break comes around I will update more often. Love you all.
Xx ~ a local emo

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