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I look into (Y/N)'s eyes. They are amazing. Without realizing it I start to lean in. To my surprise she leans in too and I kiss her. This is gonna sound cheesy but it felt like sparks were flying.

As we pull away I look at her and she looks away.

"Are you ok darling?"

"Yeah I am uh... fine"

"You don't sound fine. Talk to me (y/n). Please?"

"I am fine Remington" she said snappy

I look down and mumble "sorry I just wanted to make sure..."


I tear up and looks down. "I... I am gonna be right back"

I carefully get up and start going to the door.

"Y/N what is wrong?"

"Nothing.. just need to... just need to talk to my mom..."

I quickly go to my mom's room, well as fast as I could, and go in.


"Yes hun?" She says sounding concerned.

"I-I messed up. B-bad"

"What do you mean (y/n)?"

I then explained the whole situation to her. From what happened with Caleb to what my brother started saying to me.

After awhile I had calmed down.

"Thank you mom..."

"Of course hun. I am always here to talk"

I nod and go back to my room pulling my sleeves down.

"Hey rem.. I am sorry" I say while closing by door.

"Don't be (y/n) you did nothing wrong."

"But I-"

"No buts. You did nothing wrong"

I slightly nod and look down. I carefully sit down.

Authors Note
Word count: 259
Sorry this is super short but someone asked me to update, I don't have WiFi right now so I am trying to write some. Love you all thank you for all of the reads
Xx ~ a local emo

My Vampire Prince(Remington Leith x reader)[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now