1.2 Calum

791 22 3

I grab Sam not giving a shit if electricity goes threw my body I pull her out of the water walking away seeing Kalie shove past me , I sit down and watch her with my eyes trying to figure out wtf just happen , I sigh seeing my wet clothes stick to my body, I look around then I saw him ,

It all clicked , harry wanted her

That's the man I'm going to be with in 2 weeks on tour I never thought he would try to kill her but I always knew , he was the devil him self .

I watched him stand on the ledge of the wall, he waved at me smirking then jumped off ,I ran over where he was in vampire speed jumping up on the ledge he walked into the street , I jumped off as soon as I saw Adam walk over to Sam and Kalie . I sighed walking over to the scene seeing Sam soak to head to toes , she crossed her arms tilting her head then I got into her head.

CONVOSTATION CAUSE I CANT SPELL ( Calum's and Sam's convo in her mind and shut go with it k )

" I didn't need saving ."

I crinkle my nose shooting back

" Says the one who almost drowned ."

" Maybe I wanted to ."

" Yea maybe you just wanna jump off a cliff and forget the world."

She glared at me almost ready to punch me then she said back

" He said welcome to your death wish so I took it ."

" I saved you ."

" I hate you ."

" Sure you do but that didn't stop you from almost kissing me ."

" I got caught up in the moment and wasn't thinking ."

" Mhmmm sure Sam ."

I watch her glare at me , I stare back amused

" At least I have more balls then you ."

With that she walked off swaying bed hips I mentally glared then i watched her get stop by ashton

\\ SAM //

I walk away knowing that this convo needs to end I walk away before getting stop but Ashton

" Where are you going ."

" Walking somewhere ."

I said back not in the mood .

" Where taking you to the bus ."

" I'm not going anywhere with you !."

I said trying to get his grip off of me

" Just ament it , you want this ."


I'm going to do

It I'm going to do it


I punch him in the face watching him loose his grip then I turn away from him walking to the bus getting in sitting by the window

\\ Calum //

I watched her punch in the face I smirked walking over seeing Ashton holding his nose



" Shut up ."

I stop the convo only going into his head

" She has more balls then you."

" No she doesn't , she doesn't have balls only boobs and a butt ."

" At least she can take it like a man not a wimpy nerd ."

" Hey! ."

" Just saying ."

" Dick head ."

" At least she wants mine more then yours ."

" At least my dick is bigger then yours ."

" Dude my dick is 9inches try me ."


" What you mean 2 inch dick is big whoa great job man won the most biggest dick in the world ."

I tilt my head as Ashton clenches his hands I heard laughing then Luke spoke up



I walk up to the hotel room walking up 5 flights of steps I open the door grabbing my stuff stepping out walk down the steps the I put my stuff in the tour bus thing then I paused as I stood and watched Sam look out the window I bang my hand on the door , she turned her head and stared at me wide eye like she was expecting someone else,she glared at me then turned her head

"Silent treatment ."

She kept her mouth in a straight line and stared out the window , I glared walking over slamming my fist on the table watching her turn her head starring at me

"At least I have more balls then you ."

She smirk with a glint in her eyes



I hug bailey back and stared at her

" Why is she here ."

Sam stared at her tilting her head speaking every word she meant

" Why do you have to be a bitch."

She held in a smirk then look out

the window and just plain stared.

" At least I have more balls then you ."

" Whatever at least I'm a girl with boobs and a butt and not a dick ."

" Calum she's being mean again man up and do something ."

What Sam said literally turned me on I hate my life

" Yea listen to her ... Daddy ."

I clenched my teeth and spoke to Bailey in gritted teeth

" Babe go grab your things from the hotel room where leaving soon."

" Ok babe ."

She peck me on the lips and walk out swaying her hips which made her very unattractive , I turn my head and stared at the girl who is an ass and just Uhg I walk up slamming my fist on the table she turns her head slowly starring directly in my eyes


" It's called speaking maybe you should learn some ."

" Sun of a bitch don't ever say that again ."

I turn her head towards me so my hand is on her chin she stares at me then.

I let go and walk away before I could get to the door she spoke .

"Ok ."

" Daddy ."

I'm being stalk by a vampire.....( 5sos )Where stories live. Discover now