Good girl goes bad

490 16 1

I walk in the woods my eyes alert to everything , I flicker my eyes to the little creek seeing a deer I quietly walk over my feet never making a nose I climb a tree as fast and quiet as I can then I jump grabbing the deer sucking the life out of it I kiss the head " I'm sorry." I stand up wiping the blood off of me


" Calum Hood get off of me ."

I say as my arms

Where pinned above my face and he was on top sitting on me

" Not today my angel ."

I groan as his weight keeps falling on me , I growl kicking my legs up then twisting them turning my self around grabbing his arms and flipping him so I'm on top and he isn't

" See ya babe ."

I kiss his nose walking out to the porch on the second floor

I breath in the air then stop when something smelt out if place it didn't belong , I turn my head to look straight and standing on a building was the mansa , Calum I scream as I backed up seeing him come closer I blink once more and he was on the railing starring down at me with a dead look

" You thought you could hide from me ! you thought you could . escape . me . you thought wrong and now your punishment is death ."

I kick his stomach as fast as I can but he grab my leg and pulled my towards him I punch him as hard as I could , I saw Calum run out I scream for help he came running then I was off the railing falling down , I scream as loud as I can my wings coming out flying us to safety I didn't want safety I wanted out I kick his groin and heard him groan I bit his hand then he fell my wings curled around me when I tumble down I get up seeing ppl around I tuck my wings in then sprint to the hotel


What the fuck there's no food left I'm so fucken hungry


I scream and growl as my stomach is making whale noises , I groan hearing a reply then I didn't hear it

" WHAT ?"


" Ok thanks ."

I grab three slices setting them on a plate cooking them up the I took them out then scream as I ate them


I growl as a water bottle hits my head , I turn my head to see Ashton laughing his head off

" Sounds good mate ."

" Fuck off Ashton get your own."

I mutter under neath my breath

" Pig ."

" Says the guy who is shoving three slices down his throat ."

" Hey I haven't are shit and you ate the last of the blood so fuck off Mate cause I'm Michael Clifford and I can do what I want cause I'm punk rock ."

" Damn that was a long speech ."

" Fuck you !"


I quickly open the door slamming it shut , I scream for everyone to hear

" What's going on ."

" Mansa is back we need a plan ."

" What when ."

" Um 20 mins ago didn't you guys see I was gone ."

Then Calum came down stairs wide eye then hugging me to death I stiffen then relax and hug back .

" The plan is we kill him but Sam your bait he wants you we have to get kalie back ."

" No really I thought we could leave her there .''

I heard luke mutter " idiot." then we all started talking at once



I grab the tree branch swinging off of it landing on the ground I stand up seeing the dark door in the ground I open it putting the flash light in between my teeth I put my hand up and one by one we filed in I made the plan

" Calum you come with me , Dessa and Mary I want you both to find Kalie and Luke you all go together Michael is coming with me and Calum ok everyone go ."

I run down the hallway smelling the smell of sewer I crinkle my nose as I step in water , this under ground church is nasty I heard a screech growl I look back seeing a skeleton monster coming towards us with spikes and horns and the horrid screech following I shot the arrow killing it running faster then every as more of them follow

4 arrows

I stop as I heard chuckling I turn around as I saw the mansa it's raining they are blocking the mansa I mean Calum , I grab a bar swinging as I kick one in a face I stop and saw a cross

" Guys it a reflection ."

" What !"

" Walk forward just keep walking ."

I say as I walk getting slashed by a sword I scream but bite my tongue and kept walking

Slashing my shirt and blood fell I open the door then I look I wasn't hurt I was ok nothing was out of place where on the lower level of the church I grip my bow seeing one of those things , I shot at it

3 arrows

I crinkles my nose and stop when I saw Calum I look behind me seeing Calum weak and pale but I didn't mind , I screamed to him

" I came to get Kalie ."

" Oh you mean them ."

The floor turned and Luke, Dessa , Mary , and Kalie where tied up , I grab my arrow and shoot at him

2 arrows

I missed he walk up to me and laughed he bend down to my level

" Welcome to hell ."

" I thought I was already there ."

He glared and stood up screaming at the skeleton monsters to kill us I ran killing one with the arrows

1 arrow

Everything was silent then I saw Dessa's eyes ,Golden yellow , I screamed now , that's when Dessa broke the rope and walk over I turned around and shot him with the arrow his scream then Dessa bit him , and he screamed

" I can't die because your not an demon ."

" Who said I was ."

He stumble towards me then fell and as soon as he fell he turned to dust them Calum fell and his eyes where closed

" Calum Wake up come on it's over ."

I rock him and shake him

" Get him to the house !"

I run to the house seeing Calum still asleep and pale I crinkle my nose not liking this side of him , I kiss the top of his hand and mumble

" I love you Calum Thomas Hood ."

I'm being stalk by a vampire.....( 5sos )Where stories live. Discover now