INSOMNIA The last call

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I stare at the wall in terror and pain. My back hurts from the whippings and my head throbs from hitting the ground so much. Oh it's Storm calling for an angel to save me from hell but it can't. Because Angels only help the sick not the hurt.
I heard the door open and my eyes widen, I quickly stand up flinching as my back bleeds.

"You worthless child! No one loves you! They hate you! They wish you would die!." She screamed and then slapping me across the cheek fast and hard.
" I wish you just die Storm, but your never going to give up."
She said in per venom, I hate my mouth. "I already gave up Destiny, just kill me already and let me live alone in peace."

I said regretting my words, as she slapped me once again causing me to hit the ground with a thud. I hold my cheek which is probably bleeding by now, but she doesn't matter, no one does.

"Not until Michael learns my hate for him and he should die trying to save you dear child-"
I screamed and cutting her off, my fathers temper getting in the way of her killing me.

"I am not a kid! I am FUCKEN 15 and FUCKEN know what's wrong and what's right!"
I got another slap to the face and the the lights went out.

( she's awake)

I blink my eyes as I heard screaming up stairs, then as on cue the basement door slammed open and destinies head came thumping down the stairs causing me to hold in my screams. Her colored haired and her deep green eyes gone, all left with death. I pick my self up slowly walking to the steps. I've always been in the basement never out. I slowly pick my bare feet up climbing the stairs every so silent.

I crinkle my nose as I make the last step to the light. My ripped black dress coming up to my knees being blowed by a breeze coming from the back door, which is opened. I quietly close the door as my breathing creased quickly. I heard a creek again, which was coming up above me on the second floor.
I walk silently to Destinies dead body, seeing a knife in her hand, I grab it and quickly walk back to the wall and hid, I heard foot steps coming down the steps and stop at the bottom I guess to look around, My breathing quicken as I push my bangs away from my dark plain brown eyes. Seeing a man about my age looking around and grabbing things, I could smell his scent, he wasn't human nor could I tell anything. I peak out again when he turned and he saw me, I duck my head back and gripped the knife.

"Come on out, I won't hurt you okay? I was sent from a man named Calum Hood, And a woman named
Samantha Hood to get there daughter Storm Hood."

I stopped breathing I step out with the knife behind my back, I got a good look at this boy. Tall, blonde hair, and blue eyes, he looked like Luke but Luke has an accent and this one has an American Accent.

"You know my father and mother?" I said stepping closer to him only 10 feet apart and I'm keeping it like that.
"Yes I know your father and mother, I'm Luke's son-"
He said as I cut him off.

"Luke has a son? How long have I've been missing?" I ask scare and shocked that I've been gone for what seems forever, I lost counting when I turned 13.

"Storm you really don't know."
He said confuse and slightly weirded out that I probably look like shit.
"Know what?!" I said yelling a little not giving a shit anymore and why hasn't my family came to get me, why am I talking to my so called Cousin.

"Storm you've been here for 8 years and when we looked for you, Someone said you where dead but that didn't stop us we kept looking until I smelled your scent and I found you."

I dropped the knife I held and starting crying as hard as I could, I was missing for 8 years and my Family actually looked for me and now I'm found we'll fuck me and my life, why did she do this why??? Then I snapped back and stood up I wipe my tears and stared at Luke jr. She did this for revenge on Michael. This is Michael's fault.

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