Back in time

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// harry \\
I stare at the golden doors leading out of my room ,which are close , I don't want people to see me but the only thing I want is to live but the demons have gotten in my head and I've let them .
" Sir harry your dolls are ready and the people are arriving ."
I look at Niall who is wearing a suit ready to go and is smiling sweetly , I know he sees a monster but his smile helps ... sometimes
" Yes Thank you Niall please get the dolls down stairs in the Hallway I want to talk to them ."
He nods his head
"As you wish sir ."
I watch him speak over the com then the dolls foot prints in there heels pass by my door , the fifth floor is off limits , Niall never does anything right , I fix my hair before stepping out the dolls in there old fashion dresses
"Your wondering why your on the fifth floor you girls only been here for other things but these men who are coming are wealthy, but not as wealthy as me , there for the men are aloud to touch you , behave and be nice , do not talk unless you need to be polite , if they try to take you home or a room alone you must get me and I will put a stop to it got it ."
"Yes sir ."
They all said at the same time I smiled and let them go I walked down the steps to the front doors , then I saw her , her beauty was a goddess her smile lighted up a room , but her eyes where the darkest green I have ever seen , her dress was black but it fits her curves , she has to be mine , I'll have to get her sir drunk , our eyes lock but she look away then walking in with James the 5th richest , I nod at him then I lights dim and the music started , I make my way in to the dark room seeing her face at the other side of the room , she is just a little sneak hmph , I walk over to her slowly as she looks around I stop right in front of her , she turned her beauty of a face then tilted her head keeping her mouth in a tight line , I bend down and whisper in her ear.
"A beautiful girl should be with a man tonight ."
She shook her head then whisper back in my ear
"I still trying to find him but my master has arrange only him to get drunk and me to sit alone ."
I smile sliding next to her , I called over a Bloody Mary for her and a beer for me , we talked for hours , until the voices came back and I ran out side , screaming as I'm by the garden
"Sir harry are you ok !"
She said running towards me , panicking as she stands , five feet away from me while my breathing doesn't calm down then they change me
I scream as my eyes turn black and my body goes stiff , I was awake when every one ran I was awake when she looked me in my eyes as her breathing stop , I was awake the whole time , they just ruin everything
"Oh every where are you love ."
I heard him say as I'm hid behind a tree and my black dress torn at the bottom and a little at the top , I stop breathing when he came near but when I turned my head to the left he was there then he whispered
" Boo."
I scream running away from him , I thought about my old life with my father and mum then u realized , they gave me up so they could live they don't care if I die or not , I stop breathing when he stood behind me
" Oh every dear looks what you did to me ."
He said pointing to his face as a bloody scar I left from the tree branch
" I-I'm sorry I-I I'm didn't mean it ."
I sputter out the words softly, I know I'm going to die , so why not face it
" Sorry won't work ."
I scream as my body was thrown into a tree my back hitting it straight on I scream and cry as the pain comes, I slowly stand on my shaky legs.
"Harry please ."
I wanted to tell him the truth but I can't unless I show him , YES THANKYOU MOTHER
"Oh every what on earth must I do with you ."
" Please no I don't want to hurt you ."
I screamed as he slapped me across my face I pulled up my dress and ran for my life,I run into a clearing , fuck I know ladies should always stay in groups but no one knows , Harry can't know , that physico man will never see me again cause I'll kill him , I stare at the figure 15 feet away from me blinking my eyes seeing him clearer as the moon light shines down.

"Oh my oh my why must we run Every ."

He side walk in a circle , panic struck my face as he was getting closer , closer , closer
Until he was right behind me his lips kissing my neck and his smirk staying

"Har-Harry stop ."

I stutter as his hands roamed , I know what he was doing , curse me for being beautiful and curse my mother to for giving birth to me

"Why must I stop your body is saying something else ."

I grit my teeth then I punch his stomach with my elbow , I'm going have to face it sooner or later but he has to know , he groans standing up his eyes turning black the he charge at me , that's when my green eyes shot white and he was in the air and I was still on ground causing him pain .


I laugh and smirk , I never knew demons could be scared nor wanting to know who's in control oh right me whoops .

"My dear sit Harry , I'm am very beautiful but that beauty has a magic curse on it , I am blessed and sad , I hold a curse which would make my family the most of beautifulest people on earth , and my great, great , granddaughter will have my power but die when she meets the one , I'm am not most but I am a girl who has a demon falling for her beauty and a curse Harry."

I say tilting my head starring at him his eyes turning back to green but very dark

"What are you Every ."

I shake my head laughing at his words from his mouth .

"Oh Harry you should know , I'm a witch , born with beauty and born with hell I want you to stay away from me for all your sake I can't have people finding me that's why I was a doll I beg my self to be let in and no one knows except you , look demon boy I want you to stay away from me and the future ."

I sigh thinking a witch can fall in love with a boy she just met , I hate love , but he has something , I know what's going to happy in the future and I'm not ready

"What do you mean ."

"Harry , my great , great , great ,great daughter will have a baby this baby is born of a witch she is going to fall in love with a vamp and you will be there torturing her and her lover boy , her name will be Sam and she will be with a vamp and you'll be the demon to hurt her , her kid will be born of the angel and the devil , I never loved a man in our time but I must go , you must not tell any one about thus , you must not say anything to any one , you never saw me got it styles ."

I watched him shake his head , witches are powerful then demons it's cause of out beauty and they are under our spell so , we think it's flattering we can make them melt , I smile sadly dropping him walking away with my dress rip .


I heard behind me ,i turn around and my lips met a Soft pink lips I closed my eyes and melted in , I hate finding your mate and you have to leave , we'll shit

"It's sir Harry and we will never be apart got it ."

He mumble on my lips , trying to keep his voice calm as he is trying not to hide the scared
In his voice , I sigh shake ing my head backing away seeing the hurt in his face

"I'm a witch Harry , your under a spell I can't break please just leave."

"Every ."

He reaches his hand out but I screamed


I shout running away crying leaving him there with his back Turning walking away , I heard his pain of cries, I walked until , I heard a snap and everything went dark then the voice spoke

"I found the witch ."

I'm being stalk by a vampire.....( 5sos )Where stories live. Discover now