1 | Go Your Own Way

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FP runs faster when he hears the voices nearby; he can hear them behind him. He clutches his arms tighter to his chest. He can't let his legs give out just yet. He runs and runs until he feels his feet touch the train tracks.

He can see the diner's bright neon lights.

He stops to catch his breath now and drops down to his knees in the parking lot, careful to not fall forward.

He grovels over to the steps and takes a seat; leaning against the wall, he unzips his jacket. He presses the tiny head gently against his chest and pulls the beanie lower to cover the baby's ears. He then tries to keep him warm in his jacket.

FP is relieved to see he's still asleep.

The door opens at his side. Fred looks down at his best friend. "FP?" He has many questions as to why he's catching his breath out in the parking lot. "What are you doing, man?"

FP watches as Hermione also steps out of the diner. The door shuts behind her.

"It's a long story," FP pants. "Here, can you grab him and take him inside? It's freezing out here."

Fred takes his jacket off and grabs the baby from him. "Come inside," He wraps the baby up. "You need to warm up too...or cool down?"

"I'll meet you inside. I can't get up yet." FP leans his head back.

Fred passes the baby over to Hermione. She cradles him and takes him inside. Fred then helps FP up and into the diner. They join Hermione in the booth.

"Drink this," Fred offers FP some of his milkshake. FP takes it. "Now can you explain to us what the hell is going on."

"Yeah, there were-"

"FP?" Alice walks to their table before he can get a sentence out. "What are you doing here?" She glances over at Hermione holding their child.

"He was just about to tell us," Fred slides out of the booth so FP can get out.

"We'll watch him." Hermione keeps Charles. Alice thanks them and drags FP to the door.

He opens the door, then drapes his jacket over her shoulders to keep her warm.

"What's going on, FP?"

"I was in the trailer when I heard Ghoulies at Sunnyside, so I ran with Charles to keep him safe. I'm surprised he managed to stay asleep, but I'm not complaining," FP lets out a chuckle, but Alice is not amused.

FP lifts her head up to get her to look him in the eye. "Hey, everything is fine. We're both fine. Nothing happened."

"FP," Her eyes glisten. FP doesn't like to see her like this. He pulls her into a hug, but she pushes him away. He gets confused by her reaction. "We can't do this anymore."

"Do what? There's nothing to worry about, Al. The Serpents will clear up the place. Everything will be fine. We can just crash at Fred's or Hermione's tonight."

"You don't get it, FP. We can't keep doing this. There's always going to be something. It's the southside for God's sake. It's about Charles now. We have to do what will keep him safe."

"What are saying?"

"What I'm trying to say is that I can't do it anymore. I'm done with the southside. I'm done with the Serpents. I don't want to be affiliated with any of it anymore. I just want to protect our son. Don't you?"

"But we are protecting him. I wouldn't let anyone lay a hand on him."

"It's not enough," Alice shakes her head. "I want out of the southside."

"It's not that easy, Al. The southside is our home."

"It's not home if I have to constantly worry about our family, our son, being safe. I don't want to worry. I want him to feel free to play outside. I want him to hear the sound of the ice cream truck not a fight between two drunken middle aged men."

"What are you getting at?"

"I'm moving to the northside. I found a place a couple of weeks ago. It's small but it's cozy. I know Charles will grow up a happy boy. We can make it work there."

"You know I can't..." FP shakes his head. "The southside is our home, baby. I know it's no white picket fence lifestyle, but it's home. It's always been home."

"It doesn't feel like home anymore. We need the northside, Jonesy. For Charles. I mean take this for example. You ran here because home wasn't safe. Don't you think I worry about you or our son every time we step out of the double-wide? I worry, FP, I worry constantly."

"I'm not abandoning my home. I don't belong on the northside."

"I'm going to the northside, FP, whether you like it or not. I want Charles to grow up in a safe neighborhood."

"I'm not going. I'm sorry. I love you and our boy very much, but I... I can't do that."

"Well, FP, you have to make a choice here because we're both going to the northside. You can either join us or stay behind." Alice takes his silence for his choice. "Okay then. You stay."

"What about us? What does this mean for us?" FP can already sense what this means for them.

"I'm sorry," Alice croaks out. FP wipes her tears away. "You're still going to be a part of his life, but I'm not sure you'll be a part of mine."

"You're breaking up with me?" His voice breaks her heart. "You're really leaving me behind?"

"It's for the best, FP. I don't want Charles growing up around gangs. I already have a record. I don't want that for him. It's time for us to grow up. We can't be a couple of kids anymore. We have things to worry about. Real responsibilities." Alice feels the lump in her throat but continues to push through it. "Don't you remember, FP? You've always wanted to grow up on Elm St. like Fred did. What happened? We could start a new life there with Charles. Achieve so much more there than we would have on the southside."

FP avoids looking at her. She is right but he can't do it. "I'm not ashamed of where I come from," FP blurts out. "Whether that be a dump or not, the Serpents gave us everything we didn't have. I'm not abandoning them, especially after all the help they've given us. If you want to go, then go. I'm not stopping you. I agree with you on protecting him, but I know I can always do that at home."

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