chapter 8

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        A few weeks have passed since Marco died. Jean was a wreck, it was hard not to feel for him. I did talk to him every now and then, I'd try to be comforting, but he'd never accept it. Even though I never really knew Marco, he was still a pretty nice guy, it wasn't easy coping. All of his friends attended his funeral,  I was invited but considering I never knew him that well, it felt wrong to go. I felt bad about not going, but Iv'e already attended a funeral for two people this year and I didn't want to attend any others. Ever since he died I've been worried about who's gonna be the one to die next. I knew that it was a stupid fear but I still felt like there was going to be a next person,  and I hoped to god that it wouldn't be Levi.


            I eventually stopped talking to Jean, Bertholdt, Reiner, the lesbians, everyone except Levi. I felt as if he was the only one for me. I trusted him, and he was slowly warming up to me. My relationship with Levi was getting stronger day by day. We've been on a few dates, they were fun. I've learned that Levi can be a real prick sometimes (mainly during the early afternoon), but I've learned how to deal with it. He's even learned how to deal with me when I talk back to him. It still pisses him off, but he just ignores it. I guess you could say that we were dating. We've never talked about what our relationship is, dating? Extremely good friends?  Who knows? All I know is that I do believe that I love him. I've said a couple 'I love you's to him, but he just looks away and pretends I didn't say anything. I don't think he feels the same about me as I do to him. Maybe it's because he still loves Erwin,  but whatever the case, I will get him to love me! My tenacity won't let it go any other way.

        Today was a decent day,  nothing special,  just the typical classes that I've gotten used to. Same sea of unfamiliar faces. I knew a few people who were in my classes, none that I ever talked to on a regular basis. everyone was fairly nice to me, and I, nice back to them. Nobody generally got on my nerves, I was just generally always in a bad mood, no real reason, I was just born grumpy and stubborn.

         It was around 9:30sh after and I was sitting on Levi's couch. Sleepovers between us became more frequent. We've gotten into a pattern where I'll stay over at his place three times a week,  and he'll stay over at mine for a night. I think he preferred to stay at his place because it's way cleaner. I didn't mind.

        "Eren, can you come here for a sec?" Levi called from where he was standing in the kitchen.

        "Coming, my love." I said as I got up off the couch and walked towards him.

        "Whats going on? You're not the way you were when I met you.."

        I raised a brow,"What do mean? I'm exactly the same."

        He shook his head, " No you're not, you haven't been the same since that Marco kid died."

        I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want him to know about my fears. I'd sound like a lunatic thinking that everyone I know is going to die. He walked up to me and hugged my waist, "It's okay,  kid. You can tell me stuff."

        I shook my head, "I don't want to tell you."

        He sighed, "You brat."

        "Hey, I'm not a brat!"

        He smirked. "Says you."

        "Shut up!"

        I smirked as I pushed Levi off. He stood in front of me crossing his arms. I felt the need to change to topic,  I've been meaning to ask this for a while now.  "Levi, do you love me?"

        I couldn't exactly tell what he thought of me, and I was scared to know. The way he made things feel so tense and always managed to look so emotionless is what caused my anxiety and thoughts of him not loving me back. Levi's eyes widened in amusement and he looked away. He didn't reply.

        I sighed, "Do you at least believe in 'love at first sight?"

        He looked back at me with his usual empty face, "No. But you're just an exception"

        "An exception?  So does that mean that you do love me?"


        This was really starting to annoy me,  why couldn't he just say 'I love you'. It's not that hard! I'll spend the longest time trying to make him say it! I don't care how long it takes, I will get him to! I smirked at him,  "Levi, are we dating?"

        Levi's eyes went wide again, "Eren, do you want me to answer that truthfully?"

        I nodded,  although I was scared to know the truth again, I just wanted to know.

        "Yes, we are dating, and when people are dating,  it usually means that both partners love each other. I'll leave you with that."

Levi p.o.v

        Fuck. Fuck.FUCK. Is it possible for me to not fuck up my words?  I just hoped Erwin found out about this, and quick. I didn't want to be in an actual relationship with the kid. He was a brat, and really nothing more to me. I did feel bad, but I even told him not to trust me. It's his fault for falling for me so blindly. I'll admit,  he was cute, but stupid too. When I first met him I instantly knew what I wanted to do with him. To me, he's simply just an experiment. I figured maybe I could get Erwin jealous. 

        That night when Erwin was in my apartment we made a bet. One that was simple for me to win, after all, I'm a master manipulator. My part of the bet was that if I could make Erwin admit that he was jealous, that I get rid of Eren like nothing,  because he was nothing to me,  Erwin will divorce his lovely Petra, and maybe end up marrying me. It was a total pipe dream bet, but it was worth it.

        If Erwin won his part of the bet I'd have to be with with the brat for two years. That man loved to play with chance, it got tricky sometimes. I could never tell if he knew what he was doing,  or if he was just playing with chance. I looked up to him, literally because he was tall, and because he was strong physically and mentally. He was always the man with a plan.  

        Although Erwin and I started as a one-night stand, we got pretty close. To the point where he'd stay over night and except the breakfast I made him. Eren thought I was affectionate towards him, that wasn't even real affection. Erwin was a whole other story, I guess I could say that I.. loved him.

        I never really knew what the word 'love' meant. All I knew was that I saw it everywhere I went. A couple here and there, legitimately everywhere. I never knew what it felt like, I was always rejected as a child, abused, and I know that abuse isn't love. For the longest time I was alone, left sleep and sex deprived. One night that I decided 'hm.. lets go to a club, maybe get laid', that's the night I met Erwin. We hit it off right away. I also met one of my irritating friends; Hanji. We talk every now and then.

        We sat and talked in the club for a bit before I got hammered and he drove me home. In my drunk state I let him do what he wanted to do to me. I don't remember exactly everything that happened,  but I remember enjoying it and waking up in the morning (in pain, unable to walk properly) and finding a piece of paper with a phone number on it. It took me a while to call him back, but when I did I got to enjoy his fucks without being drunk.

        My calls to him became more common, as well as his visits. He started sleeping over more often. Sometimes we would just talk instead of having sex. I didn't mind it. I liked being around him. Being with him. I've never experienced the feeling of being touched in the way that he touched me. It was sensational.

My train of thought was broken when I looked up to a hand waving in my face. "Earth to Levi,  are you okay?"

I nodded my head. I was fine, just simply annoyed with the brat.

At the end of all this, Eren will learn to never trust a stranger.



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