Mikasa has been at my apartment for a few days now. She hasn't really brought up the whole 'Eren tried to kill himself and doesn't remember' thing. Not with me anyways. Sometimes I can hear her talking to Annie over the phone about it. I've never actually heard a full conversation, just the bits and pieces that I managed to eavesdrop on. I knew that she wanted to tell me something, but in all honesty, what could be left to say?
I had little time before I had to go back to my classes. While I was in the hospital and with Mikasa, I missed a total of six days of classes. I had a shit ton of assignments to catch up on. Some were simple, like the ones Mr.Schultz (Gunther) handed out. But, I swear to god, that the assignments Mr.Bozado (Oluo) gives to me are meant to fucking drive me up the wall. He gave me an assignment where I were to actually go to the library, grab something "cultural" and make something artistic to express the thing that I learned about the culture through literature and art. An essay and a painting; fuck. To make matters worse, I'm not allowed to pick a culture book from the kids section. It has to be an actual book, from an actual library. I haven't read one of those or been to one of those since grade school.
I found myself walking down Amsterdam Avenue, just a street away from Broadway. I honestly think I past three Starbucks on the way, all overly crowded with people with iPhones and piercings. I sighed and mumbled under my breath, "people and their coffee and free wifi." After walking for about twenty minutes, I found myself walking into a huge library. I mean, it was huge.
Something I found strange was the fact that the streets of Manhattan were always so crowded and seemed so small, but this place seemed so empty and quiet. It was peaceful. As a person with the wrath of a thousand dragons hidden deep within, this place calmed me down. It was comforting. I could see why Armin loved to spend so much time in places like this. I walked over to an aisle with a sign above that read 'culture'. I examined each and every book, ones about everything from Japanese culture, to Icelandic culture. Nothing really stood out to me. Unfortunately, as much as I would've liked to open to a random page in one of those national geographic magazines, I couldn't.
"Sir, do you need help looking for anything specific?"
I looked up to the employee who addressed me. We stared at each other once we realized who one an other was. The blonde, short boy who stood in front smiled wide.
"Hey, Eren!"
Every word I could've said was taken out of my mouth. I replied with a very awkward, "Hey, Ar."
Armin examined my body, and my facial features. The smile faded from his face. He looked up at me, "Eren, how much do you weigh?"
The last time I weighed myself, I was 110 lbs. I may have dropped a little more. Mikasa often had trouble getting me to eat. I was hungry but I couldn't eat. At first, I stopped eating just because I felt compelled to, but now it's almost like I'm afraid to eat. I could tell that I was getting closer to Armins weight, who knows? Maybe I was even lighter than him. I never even came to the realization that my legs didn't even touch anymore, all I knew was that I was skinny, and never paid attention to how much weighed, by now it had to be at least 70.
I sighed, "A normal amount. I'm fine."
Armin sighed, "Eren, it's not healthy. Anyways on a new topic, how have you been?"
I contemplated whether or not I should tell him the truth. I decided to lie and say that life was doing pretty good, and that Mikasa was in my apartment waiting for me.

Fall (Ereri)
FanfikceEren Jaeger; 18 years old and his life is in shambles. With a scholarship to a university in Manhattan, he packs his bags and travels from his once family home in the Bronx, to a cheap apartment near Broadway. Little does Eren know, he'll meet a man...