Plz watch that video because I srsly died watching it
Summery of last time we saw Eren:
Suprise suprise! He got himself kidnapped by a group of workers under Kenny's power. Though, Kenny is dead ("OH MY GOD! they killed Kenny, you bastards!" south park reference) few of his men carry on his legend. Like the coffee shop owner, whom sent his men to stalk Eren and Hanji. After Hanji decided "lol let's go into the ally!" The men, who followed in the black car came out of no where, killed Hanji (nuuu she wasn't ready!" , and kidnapped Eren.
Eren. P.O.V
My eyes slowly flicked open. I carefully examined the room. It was dark, and the only source of light was a flickering light above my head. I could feel pain all over my body. My entire body felt stiff. I looked down and saw all of my clothing covered in blood.
Whether I was covered in Hanji's blood or mine, I was was unsure of. Although, it very well could've been both. My arms were tied to the arms of the chair with thick ropes. Same with my legs, to the legs of the chair. I felt panic dwell over me as I came to the realization of the situation I was in; alone, tied to a chair, covered on blood.
"Eren?" I heard a quiet voice call out. The voice sounded rusty, yet familiar. I couldn't hear the direction of where the voice came from. I looked around the dimly lit room and saw no one.
"Please don't let it be you" The voice pleaded. This time it was clearer; it was that voice that was ringing inside my head for the past however long. It was him.
"Why are you here?" He questioned.
My obsession with him became so surreal, I followed him into what I was considering now, the possible death of me.
No; I couldn't die now.That can't be right. I have to live. For mum, for Mikasa, for Armin. For Hanji.
No matter the amount of times I repeated those words in my head, nothing made me optimistic.
"Eren, how did you get here? Answer me!" He yelled.
I choked back tears as I quickly responded "Erwin!"
"That dick!" He snarled under his breath.
"Did you go with Hanji? Where is she?" He asked another question.
Memories flooded into my head. The gunshot. The blood.The death that was caused by me. Maybe it was caused by Erwin? Although, if I had declined his money, none of this would've happened. My voice cracked as I quietly whispered and chocked back more tears.
"Hanji's dead"
"Eren, tell me you're lying" his voice sounding sympathetic and concerned.
"I'm so sorry, Levi. None of this would've happened if I didn't even like you in the first place! I'm so, so sorry" Weakened and frail words filled the room.
The room got silent. Was I in a nightmare, or was this real? I simply couldn't tell reality from my vivid imagination.
"Levi?" I called out. My voice was trembling as tears streamed down my cheeks. I wanted to see him so badly, but I didn't know I'd have to go through this. I had regret stitching my thoughts together. Everything from the beginning; love with a stranger, obsession with a stranger, false romance with a stranger, chasing a stranger. Maybe this was just a dream. I hoped it was just a dream; but a realization hit me, not all hopes are real.

Fall (Ereri)
FanfictionEren Jaeger; 18 years old and his life is in shambles. With a scholarship to a university in Manhattan, he packs his bags and travels from his once family home in the Bronx, to a cheap apartment near Broadway. Little does Eren know, he'll meet a man...