"Hey, Mikasa, how are you?"
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"I'm great actually! How's Annie?"
"Annie how are you? -Fine- She's good, why are you calling?"
"I just wanted to say hi, see how you're doing. Did I forget to say that I met someone? His name is Levi."
"That's great! What's he like? Is he nice to you? How old is he? Where did you meet him?"
"Mikasa, he's great. don't worry about me anymore please, I'm old enough now."
"Sorry, Eren. It's a habit. I gotta go soon, nice talking to you!"
"Yeah, keep in touch.! Bye, Mikasa!"
I hung up the phone and dropped it over the edge. I heard a small crack as it hit the ground.
The sensation of gravity pulled on my body. Did I just slide off the edge? Did I do that myself? Why would I do that? It almost felt like flying, although, simply was falling. I looked up and saw Levi's hand extended out to me. He was too late.
Screams, sirens, and people yelling my name. The noise was loud, but I could still block it out. It was happening so quickly. The building looked bigger and bigger as I got closer to the ground. I hit the ground. I was sent into a cold, dark, abyss.
It was so dark. Was I dead? I heard a flick of a lighter but saw no fire. The faint smell of cigarette smoke lingered the air. Someone was with me. More likely, he was with me. I couldn't see him though, just the dark, emptiness of the room.
"Eren, wake up."
What a strange thing to say. I replied with, "I'm dead, how do I wake up?"
He sounded frantic, "Please, just wake up!"
"But Levi, I can't wake up."
"Eren, I'm sorry."
"Leave him alone! You're the one who made him do it!" Another familiar voice chimed in. I haven't quite heard it in what felt like a million years even though I just talked to her. It was Mikasa. She was here, but still I could only see the black void of a room.
"I'm sorry, but as of right now, you two will have to leave." I wasn't sure who said that, all I know was that it was a female voice. It sounded caring. Someone who I could just automatically trust.
I felt a think warm liquid flood around my feet. The room lit up around me. I looked down and saw a crimson puddle on a white tiled floor. I kept asking myself 'what the actual fuck is happening?'. The puddle soon filled the entire room, and was up to my neck.
I struggled to keep above but something was pulling me down. My arms stung. I was now completely submerged into my own blood. It was filling my lungs and I couldn't breath. My lungs hurt so unbelievably bad. My body froze completely. I was paralyzed with fear.
I awoke from my subconsciousness in a jolt, dragging in sharp, deep breaths and exhaling quickly. I felt beads of sweat dripped down my face. My eyes opened and I was immediately welcomed by a strong white light, the scent of bleach, and little beeps that matched the pulse of my heart. I was in a hospital. After the few seconds of being blinded from the light, I was greeted by a petite woman with medium red hair. She had a smile on her face, "Glad to see you're awake, Eren!" I recognized her voice as the women who told Levi and Mikasa to leave.

Fall (Ereri)
FanfictionEren Jaeger; 18 years old and his life is in shambles. With a scholarship to a university in Manhattan, he packs his bags and travels from his once family home in the Bronx, to a cheap apartment near Broadway. Little does Eren know, he'll meet a man...