Phantomhive Manor

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You were suddenly awoken by a harsh -knock knock knock-

A reddish-maroon haired maid walked in. She had glasses that covered most of her face, and seemed quite clumsy.

"Good morning, my lady! I am Mey-Rin, at your service, yes I am!"

You rubbed your eyes and stretched and wished you were at your cold sad home.

Then . . . You remembered your home is no longer existent.

The kind, but clumsy maid helped you dress and you ate breakfast alone.

You then remembered that charming butler, wanting to learn more about him.

"Mey-Rin?" You asked. "Where is the butler?"

The maid stopped and thought.

"I think he is in the garden?" She said, unsure.

"Okay, I'll just go check. I'd like to explore the manor, if you don't mind."

She nodded and as you left, you felt a pair of eyes on you.

You turned and saw not a pair, but one eye.

"Good morning. I'm not sure I've properly introduced myself. I am Ciel Phantomhive." A boy about your age said, with great authority.

You did a short curtsy and wondered about his patch.

"I am (y/n) (l/n) of (l/n) Manor." You replied quietly.

"I'm very sorry, Lady (y/n), about your manor." He sounded genuinely sincere, but you still could tell he was hiding true emotion.

"T-thank you," you paused, not sure if you should just call him ciel, "C-ciel." You ended with a slight question in your voice.

He nodded slightly, just to let you know you can call him 'Ciel'.

"I must say, Lady (y/n), you look beautiful in that blue dress. It compliments your beautiful (e/c) eyes." He said this with hesitation, but you saw a a rose color creep into his cheeks before lowering your head and blushing all over at the compliment.

You didn't know how to respond to such a compliment, so you just blushed madly and waited for Ciel to say something else.

"I'm very sorry, (y/n), I'm afraid I have business to attend to." He said this while looking slightly saddened that your conversation was over.

You curtsied and rushed to the garden after waving goodbye.

'That butler . . . Gorgeous butler . . .'

You came out to the garden and walked lady-like to the butler with raven hair and blood-red eyes.

He looked up when you arrived, looking at you lustfully.

"I am (y/n) (l/n) of (l/n) Manor. I would like to thank you for offering a place to stay." You said this as if he were the head of the manor, the respect you thought a beautiful man like himself should get.

"I am merely a butler, a servant, but you are welcome, Lady (y/n). Might I say that is a very pretty name." The butler said in a sweet voice. All the while he was saying this, he was clipping a single black rose.

You giggled at the compliment, never hearing anyone mention your name was pretty. "Thank you," you paused. You didn't know his name! What was his name? You had to know.

"Sebastian," the butler filled in, "my name is Sebastian Michaelis." He offered the rose to you kindly. "For you, Lady (y/n)?"

You took the flower happily. "Thank you, Sebastian!" You said, wondering why he went out of his way to give you a thornless rose. How kind.

Sebastian smiled, a genuine, true smile. A smile that lit up his whole face. How much more attractive can he get?

You sat down in the garden and sniffed the rose now and then, watching Sebastian prepare a bouquet. You locked eyes with him and suddenly thought of cats. "Oh, Sebastian?" You asked, unsure of your question.

Sebastian stopped what he was doing. "Yes, Lady (y/n)?"

"What do you think of cats? Aren't they adorable?" You closed your eyes and made a small squeal. "They are so soft and kind!"

Sebastian smiled that smile again and happily replied, "Cats are so," he paused in thought, "sublime. I love cats, yes."

You lit up with happiness as you never met someone who liked cats. And Sebastian claimed he loved them.

Sebastian sighed. "I'm afraid I have to tend to a few of my master's needs. I will return soon, my lady."

You nodded and sniffed the rose daintily. It made you feel warm inside. It made you feel loved.




[ -Sebastian- ]

That girl is marvelous. And she loves cats! Oh, and her sparkling (e/c) eyes! I would pick her over all the cats in the world! Lady (y/n) . . .

No! I am a demon, and demons do not love like humans do! Lady (y/n) is the only one I've had such feeling for though. I need her. I love her.

She is most beautiful than the most hateful soul. I'd pick her over any soul. I know why humans fall in love. It isn't avoidable.

I must attend to my masters needs first. Then I will confess my love.

I knocked on Ciel's study door.

"Come in!" I heard him yell.

I walked in quietly. "What is it you need, my lord?"

I must not have been up to suit, as to what Ciel said next.

Ciel looked up and smirked. "Are you in love, Sebastian?" He said teasingly. "A demon like you?"

I looked down, slightly ashamed. "Yes, my lord. Why does this matter?"

Ciel's smirk grew. "It matters because Lady (y/n) is mine. You will not be with her, besides you have an eternity to find another girl, as she is the only one for me."

I grew angry at this, as Ciel was engaged. So I simply nodded, bowed and left to the garden.

Lady (y/n) is surely inclined to choose me over my little lord.

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