Chapter 3

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Main Conference Hall

Ozpin: Attention students, we have a new teacher today. He will teach you new combat techniques, for he has a lot of experience on the field.

Glynda: He will be assisting me in teaching you guys how to defend against Grimm and other threats. *Whispers* He will also assist me in bed~

Oobleck: What was that Mrs. Goodwitch?

Glynda: N-Nothing!!!

Ozpin: I will now introduce you to your new teacher, Meet Mr. Rytsar.

Students and the teachers start clapping as Rytsar walks onto the stage

Rytsar: Greetings, students. I am Brother-Captain Rytsar, you may address me as Captain Rytsar. I will teach you new and unique combat techniques taught to me by my Grand Master. I am strict in my class and in my teachings, any person who would not comply will fail. Any questions?

Glynda: Are you single?

Rytsar: That information is classified, why would you ask?

Glynda: Nothing. Just being curious.

Rytsar: Anymore questions

Pyhrra: *Raises Hand* Umm, Captain Rytsar. What kind of techniques are you going to teach us?

Rytsar: Some techniques that I will teach can help you fight against gigantic beasts and thousands of enemies.

Crowd: Ooooohhhhhhhh.

Rytsar: Any last question?

*Velvet stands up*

Velvet: Captain, are you racist?

Rytsar: Racist? We love all races. As long that they don't have green skin. Or you know, belong to a different religion.

Ozpin: That concludes our meeting. Prepare for your classes on Monday, Mr. Rytsar will teach you some of his techniques. Mr.Rytsar, would you come with me? I will give you some items.

At Ozpin's office.

Rytsar: Why did you summon me, Ozpin?

Ozpin: Rytsar, I would like to give you some aid. Since you are stranded here in Vale, I would like to give you your own dorm, clothes, food and water and 50,000 lien. I suppose that is enough for you. I would also like to thank you for accepting to train those young children to defend themselves.

Rytsar: Just doing my job.

Timeskip to nighttime

???: So, my senpai took a job at this academy. Maybe I should pretend to be a student so I can get closer to him. Or maybe force the author of this book to make me get Rytsar-kun! *Maniacal Laughter*

Author: Nani?!?!?!?

Timeskip to Morning

At the Classroom

Rytsar: Alright students, I will now teach you how to wield your weapon as it is a part of your body. Your movement must be smooth and without flaw, for these will help you or might save your lives. I will be your sparring partner. Any volunteers for this lesson?

Weiss: I'll take it, Sir!

Yang: No, Weiss. I'll volunteer!

Rytsar: How about you I spar with you both?

Yang and Weiss: Umm, sure thing. Captain!

Cardin: *Whispers* Old man pounds two young hot girls during school lesson.

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