Chapter 6

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Rytsar: Alexis?!?! How did you get here? When did you get here? Are there more of you? Has the Imperium found this planet?

Alexis: I will answer those questions after you give me a hug.

One annoying hug later.....

Alexis: I am the only one around because I followed you through the portal when that Greater Daemon threw you inside the portal. I didn't think that the Imperium has found this planet, yet.

Rytsar: I lack communication devices that can contact the Imperium. But if we got more of those, and amplify the signal. We could contact them. And maybe help this planet.

Alexis: Help this planet? Why would we do that?

Rytsar: This planet is infested with creatures called Grimm. Those things look like Chaos Daemons but they act like the Tyranids. They are many, has different types and they threaten the entire populace of this planet. If we could get rid of them. The Imperium can get a planet with a unique mineral called Dust. It could help enhance the weapons or maybe even improve them! And the inhabitants of this planet are unique, because they have these powers called Semblances that can help them in combat.

Alexis: That could be a great decision. But what if the Imperium never comes? What will we do here?

Rytsar: That is for you to decide. I decided to help train these children and defend them until they can handle themselves.

Alexis: *Yandere Stare* That sounds really good. But I'll find myself something to take me back to the Imperium and I'm taking you back with me!

Rytsar: That settles this conversation. I will now introduce you properly to my students. *Looks at students* Students, this is Canoness Alexis of the Adeptus Sororitas. Me and her have assisted each other in combat for a decade. She has combat experience, so she will be my assistant in training you.

Alexis: Assistant, eh? I could help you.

Rytsar: So, students. I heard from Ozpin that the Vytal Festival is starting in two weeks. Can anyone tell me what that is?

Ruby: I know! *Raises hand* The Vytal Festival is an international festival held every two years in one of the Kingdoms of Remnant. During the festival, the various cultures of the world are celebrated with dances, parades and a combat tournament. The host kingdom of the festival rotates every two years, and the host opens its borders to visitors from the other kingdoms. So it's like a huge party for everyone on Remnant!

Rytsar: That sounds very interesting. Maybe I'll go with Glynda during the festival, so she can show me the cultures of this land.

Alexis: *Looks at Rytsar* Who is this "Glynda" you are talking about?

Rytsar: She is my guide and lover.

Alexis: *Pissed off*

Eveyone except RWBY: WHAAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?!?!

Velvet: Congratulations, Captain!

Coco: So that's why you were holding hands when I saw you both at Vale.

Jaune: You are a very lucky person, Captain! Prof. Goodwitch is a very beautiful person!

Rytsar: Guess the secret is out. Me and her having been dating for a few weeks now. And if I know one thing about her is that she is one breathtaking lady.

Glynda: *Enters the room blushing* No you're breathtaking!

People except Weiss and Alexis: AAAAWWWWW!!!!!

Rytsar: Hello there, love. What brings you here? Is there an important announcement?

Glynda: Well there is one, my love. I will now announce that Vytal Festival will start in two weeks. So all students is encourage to go in the festival. Please enjoy the event but remember, always be on your best bahavior.

Rytsar: Will you show me around the festival, love?

Glynda: *Blushes* I will. Now that is done, I shall now return to my office. Goodbye,  students.

Rytsar: Alright, our next lesson is about the different combat tactics of the Adeptus Astartes. I shall now show you different clips of my fellow Astartes boarding a ship full of traitors. It will show you guys why the Adeptus Astartes are one of the best among the Imperium.

After watching the videos......

Cardin: That's so badass!

Ruby: Yeah! Like how that one soldier used that blue sparkly gun to take out the huge machine gun turret!

Rytsar: Okay students, what similarities did you observe on the video clips?

Jaune: *Raises Hand* They were very coordinated and they used tactics to quickly and efficiently dispatch their foes.

Rytsar: Very good, Jaune. By becoming coordinated and having well-planned tactics. You can defeat even the most difficult of enemies. Always remember, your mind is the greatest weapon you have.

Nora: Does charging and bashing the enemies a good tactic?

Rytsar: No Nora, charging and bashing is not a good tactic. Unless your tactics is dying.

Pyhrra: What kind of enemies do you fight, Captain? And how long have you been on the field of battle?

Alexis: Should you show them that, Captain? Those are classified information! They are just children.

Rytsar: Don't worry, Alexis. They are capable warriors, I know that they are children, but I see them as potential warriors and defenders of this world. They shown me their information, I shall share mine.

Alexis: As you wish, Brother-Captain.

Somewhere far away......

???: Mistress Salem, the Vytal Festival will start soon, shall we prepare for the attack?

Salem: Yes, prepare the grimms for the attack. We must show the kingdoms that I have arrived and ready to take over this world. Those people shall tremble in fear when they see me. (Salem's mind) The kingdoms must know that I have returned.

To be continued in the next chapter...

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