Chapter 2: Setting the Kindle

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I DON'T KNOW which one should I be thankful for the most. The fact that nobody found me in that ship, or that nobody saw me get off the ship, the fact that the trip was shorter than I expected, or that I landed in a country which I somewhat knew: Oregon. Maybe I should be thankful for all of it. Look at how luck went back at me.

How did I know I am in Oregon? Well, I used to live here when I was a kid. I was born in Oregon but I lived in Sandovia since I was ten.

I checked my pouch and sighed at how little money I have left. I can't afford an inn at this moment. I should consider sleeping under the bridge.

I decided to buy some pieces of bread. Luckily, Sandovian currency and Oregonian currency are almost the same. I need to find a job first. Anything will do for now.

With a deep breath, I started walking. I am quite familiar with this part of Oregon since I used to live in these outskirts. But the stores and the people I used to know, apparently, are not here anymore.

I first went into a bakery but the owner wanted a man and not a frail-looking woman like me. Next, I went to a dress shop but the owner wanted a designer. I'm no designer. I went to several stores after that but they seem to find an excuse not to hire me. Either it's because of my small stature or because I am not from Oregon.

I decided to stop when it's already four o'clock. I still need to find a place to sleep. God, I hate that asshole. What on earth did he saw on me at naisipan niya ang bagay na iyon? A concubine? Is he kidding me? I would rather die than get tied to a man like that. And besides who does he thinks he is? Just because he had the looks he can get every woman he likes.

My decision to decline his proposal was clearly the first time someone rejected him. He must have loathed me very much because of that to the point that he put a bounty on my head. Pathetic.

For now, I have to lie low. I don't know if I am a wanted person even in this country. There's little chance that will happen but I don't want to take risk. I don't want to stay in the city swarming with people. But I have been walking in this outskirts for almost an hour at wala pa akong nakikitang bahay. This should be a good idea but for some reason, it creeps me out. Idagdag pa na mag gagabi na.

I stopped on my tracks as I saw a huge wall. There must be a mansion inside. Is it okay if I sleep just near here? Besides, there are bushes that can conceal me if ever someone will come. And also, I can't afford to walk a little more. I settled on a small cave and wrapped myself once again with my cloak. Bukas, I'll start looking for a job again. But first, I have to make sure kung umabot ba sa lugar na ito ang pagiging wanted ko. I hope it's just in Sandovia. 

* * *

I jolted up when I heard a noise. One thing I first noticed was that it's already morning. Second is that there are three good looking men in front of me -- the first one is particularly giving me some death glares while holding his arm. 

Realizing the situation, agad akong napatayo. I immediately covered my face with my cloak and picked up my satchel and was about to walk away when the first guy held my wrist a little too tightly. 

"Where do you think you're going?" there was something different with his voice. Like it can make you follow whatever he wants you to do. It's a voice full of authority.  Who are they?

Still covering my face as much as I can, I faced him and bowed my head slightly. 

"I'm just a traveler. I slept in your yard and I am terribly sorry. I will go now as I have already caused you enough trouble." I looked down to where his hand holds my wrists. I tried pulling my fist but his grip was tight. 

The HealerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon