Chapter 1

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I walked up the steps to the large orphanage known as Wammy's House, a man that looked to be in his mid 60's had found me after my parents died in a car crash, I had been living on the streets for about a month now, I had lost a drastic amount of weight due to lack of food but I kept myself looking presentable by fixing myself up as much as I could in mall bathrooms and just public bathrooms in general.

I squinted my eyes at the brightness of the rising sun, it was early morning when the man named Roger had found me wandering alone in the streets of Winchester, England, he had offered to buy me an apple from the nearby grocery store, I automatically accepted as I hadn't eaten in a few days, he told me that he would have bought me something more to eat if he had brought more money with him but I didn't mind, after I had finished my apple he asked me if I wanted a place to stay along with other children of different ages, "Like an orphanage?" I asked "Yes, it is a large house that I own, it is called Wammy's House" he answered me as he took out his cell phone, "Yes, thank you very much" I answered extremely grateful that this man had offered me a nice warm place to stay, "Alright, I will call someone to come pick us up" he answered dialling a number on his phone.

Roger opened the large doors of Wammy's House and walked in with me following, it looked like an average family home except it was much larger and it had more of a school format, "Alright I just need to ask you a bit of information about yourself." Roger said leading me to the back office, "Alright." I said sitting down in one of the leather chairs as I took in my surroundings, it was an average office with bookshelves pilled with books that were never read and probably will never be read, I looked at the mahogany desk, it had piles of random work papers that have long been forgotten about and just causing a messy look to the room,

"Alright, so first you need to choose an alias." Roger said sitting down behind his desk.

"An alias? Why?" I asked confused.

"Well I'm guessing you don't know what the Wammy's House is all about?" Roger asked sighing and pushing up his glasses with the tip of his index finger.

"I'm afraid not." I answered leaning back slightly causing the leather chair to make a squeaking sound.

"Well I'm guessing that you have heard of the world's greatest detective, L, the children here at Wammy's are much more intelligent then average children, and they are taught certain things in order to surpass him and become the next L." Roger said.

"So I am here to try and become the next L? I asked surprised at his answer.

"Yes, when I had found you I noticed that you are extremely intelligent for a child your age otherwise I would have brought you to a normal orphanage." Roger answered.

"I see" I said bringing my thumb and index finger up to rub my left earlobe, it had become a habit of mine ever since my parents car crash.

"Alright, I suppose I choose Y/N" I said still continuing to rub my ear.(A/N:from now on I'll refer to Y/N as your alias.)

"I'll get a few children here to show you around" Roger said smiling at me. He pulled out his cellphone, "Hello? Yes, would you please send Matt and Mello to my office? Alright, Thank you." He put his phone away, "Matt and Mello will show you around, Mello is in second place to become L's heir and Matt is in third place." Roger said pushing up his glasses again.

"Well then who's in first place?" I asked curiously.

"His name is Near, he is not very social so I suggest you not bother him." Roger answered as two boys ran through the door.

"You wanted us Roger? Oh uh who's this?" The boy with longish blonde hair asked.

"This is Y/N, I found her this morning, she will be living here from now on" Roger answered using your alias. "Also I wanted you two boys to show her around".

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