Chapter 7

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Kim_the_elf: Yes I like potatoes XD
For some reason wattpad isn't letting me make paragraphs so I put a period instead but just ignore them.
Y/N's P.O.V.
I was laying on Near's bed. It's been over a year since he left, I would think about him constantly, his white snowy hair, his soft hands that would fit perfectly with mine, the way he would piece his puzzles together so quickly and his charcoal eyes.
I rolled over on my side trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to spill over.
I miss him so much.
I reached in my pocket and pulled out a pair of dice, when he left he must've slipped them into my pocket, I held them close to my chest and shut my eyes tight.
I got up and walked out the door with the dice still tightly locked between my fingers, I made my way down the stairs and turned a corner and the familiar dining room doors came into view.
I grabbed a tray and walked over the counter and I got grapes and carrots for lunch, I walked to the table that me and Near usually sat, I set my tray down and sat in the spot where I would usually sit if Near were here.
I always sat here, by myself, I usually didn't eat much of my food because I was rarely hungry.
I picked at my food with the dice still in my hand, I glanced over at Matt and Mello, I haven't talked to either of them since Near left and I'm not planning to any time soon.
I ate a few grapes, but I lost my appetite remembering the time Near had fed me his grapes himself, I dropped the grape that I was currently holding back on the plate, I held the dice tighter feeling the hard corners press against my hand leaving small bruises, I let out a shaky sigh as I shut my eyes tight feeling as if someone had punched me in the chest leaving a large whole that could only be consumed by the person I dearly needed.
I got up in fear that the tears that I've been holding in would spill over and I know if they start they won't stop, I quickly walked to the exit making my way to my own room, I opened the door and slammed it shut, I leaned on it and slid all the way down until I was sitting on the floor, I brought knees up to my chest.
'Why is this so hard?' I asked myself as I put my head between my knees.
I got up and wiped my face off, I opened the door and made my way down the hall towards Roger's office.
I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer.
"Come in." He called from behind the door.
I turned the door knob and pushed the door open, I didn't bother to sit down so instead I just stood in the door way.
Roger looked up from the stack of papers he was looking through, "Yes Y/N?" He asked politely.
I took a deep breath, "How is the Kira case?" I asked as I gripped the door knob.
"L has not notified me with any new information yet, but I am hoping he will soon and when he does I will let you know." He answered as he pushed up his circular glasses.
"Are they doing well?" I asked politely.
"I am guessing they are if he has not asked for another one of his heirs to help him." He answered with a warm smile.
"Is it alright if I gather information myself?" I asked.
"Of course, but if you find anything out that you think L does not know already then tell me and I will notify him and he will most likely want to meet you in person." Roger answered.
"Is there any information you can tell me to get me started?" I asked as I squeezed the pair of dice that were still in my hand.
"Yes, L suspects that Light Yagami is Kira, but this was quickly dismissed when he was proven innocent." Roger answered.
"Is that all?" I asked as I gently put the dice in my pocket.
"Yes, I'm afraid that is all I'm allowed to tell you." He answered as he put his elbows on his desk and intertwined his fingers.
"Alright, thank you." I said as I stepped out of the room and closed the door.
I walked down the hallway hurriedly, I opened my door and walked in then I shut it behind me.
I walked over to my desk and sat down, I reached my hand down and opened a drawer and I pulled out a few pieces of blank paper, I laid them down on the desk and opened a different drawer that contained pencils and pens.
I grabbed a pencil and placed it on the blank piece of paper, I wrote a few jot notes on what I already know about the Kira case.
-L suspects Light Yagami as Kira.
-Light Yagami had recently been proved innocent.
-Light's girlfriend is Misa Amane, which proves that she could possibly be the second Kira.
-Misa Amane worships Kira which could possibly be why she is with Light Yagami.
-If Light Yagami is Kira then he could have possibly found a way to work on the case also, since he would think that it would reduce his chances of being Kira and he would also have first hand information on the case.
-Misa Amane doesn't seem very intelligent so if she were posing as the second Kira she would have gotten caught at some point causing Light to be in distress.
I dropped the pencil and put my face in my hands, 'They have much more information than me, how will I ever be of use to the case?' I thought as I rubbed my tired eyes.
Near was always smarter then me, even though we were both tied to become L's successor I still thought that he was much more intelligent, for example: the way he spoke, he would always place his words carefully while I would just throw them together, and he was always so patient with everything while I hated to even wait in line at the dining room, his quiet and delicate tone and the way he would always do everything perfect even though it seemed as if he didn't even try which he never did.
'Why did he have to leave?' I thought as I kept my face in my hands.
'Why did I have to fall for him? Why did Roger have to find me in the streets all those months ago? Why couldn't he had brought me to a normal orphanage? If all this happened then I wouldn't have met Near and my chest wouldn't feel like it was constantly on fire from his absence.' I thought.
'No, the pain will all be worth it in the end when I finally get to see him again, it could be in a matter of days, weeks, months or even years, but no matter how long it takes to solve the case I'll wait for him.'
I got up from my seat and walked over to the door then I exited my room and made my way down the hallway.
I scanned the shelf of books that was towering over me, I searched for a book that sparked my interest but of course just as usual none of them did, so I closed my eyes and ran my hand over the books and chose a random one then without even looking at the title I walked out of the library and down the hallway.
I stopped at a familiar door and walked in and I was greeted with the normal sight of numerous puzzles, toys and games on the shelves.
I walked over to the bed plopped myself down, I placed the book on the ground.
I picked up Near's favourite stuffed bunny and held it close to my chest.
I looked over the large mount of stuffed animals that were crowded on his bed, he was always quite fond of stuffed toys, when he would sleep at night he would always shove all of the stuffed animals on the ground but he would always clean them up in the morning.
I rolled onto my side and pulled the covers over me, I was still clutching the bunny to my chest and I remembered when I first seen him with it.
"Hey, Near? I- what's that?" I asked as I walked over to him.
I had wanted to come get him in his room so we could go to the library together.
"It's nothing." He said as he threw it on his bed since he was sitting on the ground.
I walked over to his bed and picked up the object he had thrown and it was a baby blue stuffed bunny.
I smiled, "Is he your favourite stuffed animal?" I asked as I walked over to him and sat down with the bunny still in my hands.
"Yes." He answered as he looked up at me.
"What's his name?" I asked curiously.
"Mr. Bun-Bun." He answered as he reached over and took him out of my hands gently.
"Awe." I said with a smile as I picked up another stuffed animal which was a bear.
"And what's this one's name?" I asked as I held it out in front of me.
"He doesn't have one." He answered as he clutched Mr. Bun-Bun to his chest.
"You only named your favourite?" I asked as I set the bear down.
He nodded as he continued to clutch the bunny.
I closed my eyes and dropped the bunny to the ground.
'Why did you have to leave?' I thought to myself.
I pulled the covers closer to my freezing body as I turned my head up to look at the window.
I watched the small snowflakes land delicately on the frosted window pane.
'Are you cold?' I heard Near's voice echo in my mind.
I snapped my head over to the ground where he would have been sitting and doing his puzzles but there was nothing there.
I turned my attention back to the frosty window, then I glanced at the spot where he would have been sitting and it surprised me to see that he was actually there.
"N-Near?" I asked quietly as I stared at his small figure.
"Yes?" He asked monotonously as he continued to put his puzzle together.
"When did you get back?" I asked as I sat up.
"A few moments ago, why?" He asked quietly.
"I missed you." I said truthfully as I got up walked over to him then I sat down.
"Okay, but would you be able to leave my room? I would like some time to myself to settle in." He said as he snapped another puzzle piece into place.
"Wha-?" I started to ask before he cut me off.
"And if I may ask, who are you?" He asked monotonously.
"You don't remember me? I'm
Y/N." I said quietly.
"No, I'm afraid I don't remember you, can you leave now?" He asked.
"But Near, you don't understand I-" I said as I reached out to touch his shoulder but as soon as I did he disappeared.
I dropped my hand to my side as I looked towards the ground and saw that his puzzle was gone as well.
"You forgot about me." I whispered quietly to myself.
"I'll forget about you then." I said as I got up off of the ground and walked over to the door.
I opened it and made my way down the hall and towards the familiar door.
I knocked three times and waited for an answer but instead I heard loud sounds that seemed like they came from some sort of video game and angry shouting.
"Sorry." Mello said as he opened the door, "I tried to take Matt's game away from him."
"I'm guessing you failed." I said laughing slightly.
"Of course I did! When it comes to games that boy has some weird super strength!" Mello yelled.
"Shut up! You're being too loud!" Matt yelled as he threw a chocolate bar at Mello's head.
"Ow! What the hell?!" Mello shouted angrily as he looked on the ground to see what was thrown at him but when he saw it was a chocolate bar his mood completely changed and he picked it up and shoved it all in his mouth.
I laughed slightly for the first time in a year, it felt, nice to be happy again even if was only temporary.
"Would you guys want to come into town with me?" I asked both of them.
"Sure." Mello replied as he wiped chocolate off of his face, "I am running low on chocolate."
I smiled at him and turned my gaze to Matt who's face was glued to the small tv screen and his thumbs pushing on the small buttons intensely.
"Matt? Do you wanna come?" I asked.
"AAH!" He screamed suddenly then a booming voice echoed from the tv.
"GAME OVER." It said as large red words appeared on the screen.
"Matty?" Mello asked worriedly.
"I... lost?" He asked then he shuddered slightly.
"Matty you're scaring me." Mello said as he pulled Matt off of the ground.
"I lost!" He screeched as he grabbed Mello's shoulders and shook him, "I never lose!"
"Well you did this time, now let's go." Mello said as he pulled Matt over to the closet.
"Where?" Matt asked cluelessly as Mello put on his leather jacket.
"We're going into town dummy, pay attention." Mello said as he rolled his eyes and zippered up his jacket.
"Are you coming Matt?" I asked.
"Oh uh y-yeah." He stuttered as he rubbed his neck awkwardly and a blush appeared on his cheeks.
I smiled at the both of them as we all walked down the hall.
I'll forget about you, I promise.
"Look!" Mello yelled as he grabbed my hand and I grabbed Matt's the Mello pulled us towards a chocolate store.
"Wow." I said as Mello let go of my hand and we all stared at the numerous shelve filled with all sorts of decorative chocolates.
Me and Matt stood by the door as Mello ran down each isle picking up boxes of chocolates and numerous chocolate bars.
"This. Is. Heaven." He said excitedly as he ran to the counter to pay.
"Do you have enough money?" I asked as me and Matt walked over to the counter.
Mello suddenly frowned, "I forgot my money!" He said in a sad tone.
I let go of Matt's hand that I didn't realize I was still holding and dug in my jacket pocket.
"Here." I said as I handed the cashier enough money to cover half of what the chocolate cost.
Matt quickly dug in his pocket and pulled out enough money to pay for the rest.
"You have a nice pair of friends." The old woman said with a warm smile as she took the money and placed it in the cash register.
I smiled back at her as Matt grabbed my hand again, I looked up at him but he didn't look at me but I seen that a light pink was brushing across his cheeks.
"Mells, you're gonna get fat." I said.
"What?" He asked in disbelief as we walked out of the store.
"Chocolate makes you fat." I said blankly.
"Chocolate makes you..." he mumbled as he processed what I said, "Whatever, I'd rather be fat then give up chocolate."
We all walked to a bench and sat down with me in the middle, Matt on my left and Mello on my right.
"Mellsss." Matt whined as he did puppy dog eyes, "Can I have a chocolate?"
Mello gave a Matt a suspicious a look as he gobbled down his chocolate, "No." He answered blankly.
"Whyyy?" Matt whined, "I'll give you a hug."
"No way!" Mello said, "You're abusive!"
I laughed slightly as they fought over chocolate. All the thoughts of Near disappeared from my mind.
"I am not abusive!" Matt yelled as he hit Mello on the arm.
I laughed again as I watched them hit each other over and over again. I took my gaze away from then and to a person who was walking across the street hurriedly, I watched them intently until I noticed they had they same white grey mop of hair.
I stood up quickly and chased after them. I could feel the sharp wind blow against my face as I ran but that didn't stop me. I ended to get to him.
I needed to get to Near.


A/N: This chapter is extremely short and I had intentions on making it much longer but I just thought I should update since it's been awhile.

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