Chapter 4

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Y/N's P.O.V.

The same routine continued for about a week, I'd get woken up for breakfast by Near, we'd eat together then after breakfast I'd go back to sleep until Near came to wake me up for lunch, he'd share his food with me because I'd always get hungry after the chefs put all the food away, then we'd go to his room to play and after playing for a bit individually we'd eventually start building a tower together, he'd kiss me then when I'd ask him why, he'd always say the same thing 'it meant nothing', I never kissed back because I was afraid that I would startle him, so I would just let him kiss me, he would usually hold my hand or my cheek as he did so, then I would go to my room and read a book until dinner, me and Near would sit together as usual as if the kiss never happened, but I would constantly think about it. This same routing kept up until today.

Me and Near were building the same tower we built everyday since I came to Wammy's, I guess you could say that Near was my bestfriend.

I waited for the annual kiss that happened everyday, then I felt Near's hand gently caress my cheek pulling my face towards his, 'here it comes' I thought as I closed my eyes and he closed his.

I loved his kisses, he was so gentle, I longed to kiss him back but I was afraid, whenever he was done kissing me he left a tingling sensation on my lips for the rest of the day, the only thing that cured the tingling was another one of his kisses.

He pulled away letting go of my cheek leaving it feeling cold, the tingling sensation set in as soon as soon as his warm soft lips departed from mine.

He turned around and put the last block on top of our tower.

"Why?" I asked, I wanted a real explanation this time, I was tired of feeling confused as to why his kisses always leave me longing for more, but he always said 'it meant nothing' every time I ask.

"It meant nothing." He said monotonously as he swung his arm at the tower knocking it down.

"No, Near, I'm tired of this, I want a real explanation this time!" I said starting to get annoyed at him.

"If you don't like it then I'll stop, but if you do then I'll continue." He said as he twirled a piece of his hair.

"N-no, I mean I just want to know why?" I asked staring into his charcoal eyes.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked and looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What is it?" I asked extremely confused.

He leaned in suddenly, placing his lips on mine gently, I felt his hands hold on to both of my cheeks, I wanted to so badly kiss him back but I didn't, I just kept my lips still.

He pulled away still holding on to my cheeks, his face was inches from mine, I stared in to his eyes and he stared in to mine.

"Why don't you kiss back?" He asked monotonously.

"I'm afraid to." I said truthfully, I blushed from his closeness.

He leaned in again kissing me ever so gently, this time I kissed back, our lips moved together perfectly.

He pulled away, and let go of my cheeks, but he continued looking in to my eyes.

Then it hit me.

"Near, y-you like me." I said finally realizing what all the kisses meant.

"Correct." He said twirling a piece of snowy white hair.

"But I thought you said that you have no emotions." I said confused.

"I did, but I was wrong." He answered looking at me in the eyes.

I smiled at him, 'Near likes me'.

"I understand if you don't return my feelings." He said in his monotone voice.

I leaned over and hugged him, this took him by surprise, but he gently wrapped his arms around me.

"I like you too." I said in to his shoulder.

I pulled away and for the first time ever, I seen him smile. (A/N:Not the creepy rape face lol)

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Near asked as he twirled his hair.(A/N: I know a little OOC for Near but I didn't have another way to put it.)

"Yes." I answered reaching up to rub my left earlobe.

Near got up and walked to his bed, he sat down with his back against the headboard and his legs extended across the bed, it was the first time I ever seen him sit normally instead of his half crouching position.

I got up and walked to the bed also, I sat down in the same position as him, with our legs tangled together, I leaned on him slightly and put my head on shoulder.

As we were, I guess you could say, cuddling, he held my hands gently. I watched him fiddle with my fingers, taking each one and rubbing it lightly before moving on to the next one.

We sat there for what seemed like was only minutes but it was hours. Near looked up at the clock that was on the wall, it read, 5:26.

"Shall we go down for dinner?" He asked monotonously like he always did.

"Okay." I said slightly upset that we had to move from our comfortable position.

I got up first followed by Near, we walked to the door and opened it stepping out in to the barren hallway.

As we were walking down the hall I slipped my hand in his.

"Is it okay?" I asked looking at him.

He squeezed my hand gently, so I took it as a yes.

When we walked through the door to the dining hall we grabbed a tray each and stepped in line behind the other children.

When we got to the counter I grabbed the same thing I always got for dinner, a small serving of pasta and a side of broccoli.

We made our way to our usual table and sat down.

I took a small bite of broccoli when suddenly I felt a hand grab mine from under the table, I looked up at Near and noticed he had slight smile on his face, I smiled back at him.

I took a sip of my water as I glanced at Matt and Mello's table,

Matt had his DS glued to his face as usual and Mello was taking a huge chomp of his chocolate bar. Mello noticed I was looking at him, his eyes trailed down to under the table where me and Near were holding hands, his eyes went wide as he looked up at me raising his eyebrow questingly. I smiled then winked at him turning my attention back to my food.

When I glanced back at him he jumped up from his spot, "What?!" He yelled as he waved his arms in the air like a mad man, Matt looked up from his DS at Mello giving him a 'what the hell are you doing now?' look as lifted his foot up and pushed Mello lightly with it causing Mello to lose his balance and fall flat on his bum.

I had to look away to keep myself from laughing.



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