Chapter 5

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Y/N's P.O.V.

It's been just over 3 months since me and Near started 'dating', I was starting to grow stronger feelings towards him, there was just something about him that made me want no need to be with him constantly, something that made me need his soft and gentle kisses, his warm hugs and the way he would put a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I loved Near.

But I could never tell him that. I was to afraid of rejection. Although he did say he liked me three months ago, but I don't think he'd go as far as to say he loved me, he doesn't believe in love.

He opened up a little bit to me these past few months, he smiled every now and then, he wouldn't use his monotone voice when we were alone, he would use his real voice and I loved it.

I watched him as he put the last piece of his puzzle together then he picked up the whole board and dumped all the pieces onto floor so he could restart it again. I was laying on his bed as he did this.

I curled up tighter into the covers as I watched him place the pieces gently on the board where they belonged.

"It's snowing." Near said as he looked over at the window.

I looked over as well,"Yeah, it is." I said shivering slightly.

"Are you cold?" He asked as he started to put his puzzle away.

"N-n-no." I lied shivering as I pulled the covers closer to my freezing body.

"Liar." He said as he walked over to the shelf setting his puzzle down.

"I-I'm n-n-not l-l-lying." I said watching him as he walked over to me.

"Push over a little bit." He said as he slid in beside me.

His arms wrapped around my waist pulling my freezing body to his warm one as his legs tangled up with mine.

I loved his company and our odd conversations that were forgotten about just minutes after we had them.

We try to keep our relationship between the two of us, but seeing as how we spend 24 hours of the day with each other, I'm pretty sure the other children caught on, since they are raised to become detectives, but the only person who's completely oblivious to our relationship is Matt, I've been avoiding him lately.

"What are you thinking about?" Near asked as he twirled a piece of my H/C hair.

"N-nothing." I said turning to look at his adorable face.

He smiled at me as he leaned in and placed his soft lips on mine, I smiled into the kiss, he was always so gentle with me.

His hand gently held onto my cheek. I gasped onto his mouth when I felt his tongue glide across my bottom lip, I opened my mouth slightly granting his tongue entrance as I tangled my hands in his snow coloured hair.

He pulled away but kept our foreheads together as he stared in to my eyes.

I wanted to stay in this moment forever, it was perfect. 'Tell him you love him!' a voice in my head demanded, 'I can't, he doesn't feel the same.' 'You have to! do it now!' the voice demanded again. 'No!' 'Yes! Do it now!'.

"Near, I need to tell you something." I said staring in to his beautiful charcoal coloured eyes that I grew to love.

"What is it?" He asked as he gently stroked my cheek.

"I love you." I answered as I looked down because I was afraid of his reaction. I felt his body stiffen before it relaxed again, then I felt him lift up my chin so he could look into my eyes.

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