Chapter 4: Not So Happy Ending

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"Young Master. I already informed your school about the one week leave." Butler Tanaka announced in well trained tone, bowing 90 degrees despite being an old man. Then continued to his report with that gesture." Everything are preferred."

"Excellent. " The raven haired teenage male said. He stood before a tall mirror, adjusting a green tie around his neck and reached for certain black vest where hanging on the hook. He slipped it over to his black dress shirt and tie.
Then finishing everything with black blazer jacket. Taking a deep breath, he  turned around at the family butler.

"Tell no one." Kazunari ordered, eyes are indifferent. " Even to my best friends."

"As you wish, young master." The older man replied.

"You may leave. I'll be out in a minute."

He held his breath. His eyes stared to his own reflection through the mirror. An exhausted smile grace his lips, thinking the reality. He, Takao Kazunari, is look a well mannered young master, oozing an aura from wealthy family, that, he can't deny anyway.

Because it's the truth.

He is born with silver platter and golden spoon his mouth.

Though, his friends and teammates have no idea. After all, it's kept secret from the public eye and media. But, there was two people know as they're all living in same world.

Again, his mind goes to another side of thoughts, about the event he witnessed last night.

Kuroko Tetsuya trembling figure as he cried on his way home, the Generation of Miracles arrogance with Seirin team and Ace stupidity.

He's there. Accidentally overhead their careless mouth spoke about Tetsuya. It feels like his world altered to pitch of black, eyes darkened, narrowed, blazed with rage and overwhelming madness at them. Because he cannot control his emotions, before he could go to Tetsuya side, the bluenette ran away. Not even noticing his existence. That he followed silently.

Yet, he stopped in his tracks. Because he saw the front door opening, revealing a certain person.

Kazunari eyes went, his very lips slowly parting, shock evading his face, though his reaction cannot be seen by onlooker because darkness. Still, he froze, feeling a deeper contemplation of fear coming to the surface, digging the unpleasant memories, remembering what had been buried years ago.

Slowly, he looked around.

Then he lose it, his control to breath and started hyperventilating. He run, not daring to look back anymore. Because he's scared to see him.

No matter what. He cannot stay any longer within the radius of that person. It's sickening. That, he wanted to puke every time.

Before leaving the room, Kazunari took out his phone and messaged two contact numbers in his list.

[[  From: Kazunari

Subject: Vacation

" Don't look for me. I'll be back."  ]]

"Stop at Maji's first. Before we go to the airport." He merely said then sit himself comfortably inside the limousine. Before leaving he want to buy some milkshakes for his friends as compensation. Those will surely get mad, knowing he's away and not informing them beforehand in the first place. The ride didn't take long, they already in front of the Maji Burger.

"Go buy the usual."

"Yes, young master. " Butler Tanaka obeyed.

Kazuanari cannot go out, he could only stay inside, no one must see him even his family business partners. That's why,  he must hide and kept locked from the public prying eyes. For safety reasons and more. Out from the corner of his Hawkeye's , he caught a sight of certain colorful heads, they're seemed talking contagiously with visible excitement as their actions telling to.

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