Chapter 3: Above Water

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He said nothing. Tetsuya do not need for words, but to be able to feel the other's warmth, a touch, he needed all this time. Without sound and little thought, he gone to him, wrapping his delicate arms around the wide shoulders. He opened his lips to let out the rush of breath. There's no way this is false hope, it's no hallucination, he's real, he's here . . . and he came back.

Sei Shi immersed himself in the feel of the bluenette, an intermingling of welling emotions rose to his chest in an aching pulse, vanishing whatever dread and fear he held. Taking a deep breath, his arms crept up to wrap the younger slim body, feeling everything, all of his Tetsuya, the soft skin, the unwavering heartbeats, the gentle breaths, the smell of Vanilla's , the enigmatic presence and the soul of his. Fragile, sweet, delicate, strong male...his beloved. Sei Shi right hand goes to the bluenette's hair, his fingers coursing through the blue locks, the weight of hand making Tetsuya fall back to his shoulder as he held him close.

Dear God, I love him. He hoped the time would stop and make this moment last longer.

"Tetsuya . . . " Sei Shi longingly breathed out, his heartbeats moving faster more than the thought of coming back. Why? Of course, despite a misery of the past, he want to cling to this small hope. To do the right thing, to correct all mistakes he did foolishly.

Slowly, Tetsuya decided to opened his eyes brimming with tears. Despair and terror warred within him when he felt the other male movements earlier, he expected to be pushed like a fool, but no-instead Sei Shi hugged him back.

The way the other fingers ran through his hair or how tightly he held him or how he said his name lovingly. He wanted to laugh and weep at the same time, but he wanted the most is to give him everything, all of his.

"I missed you. . ." Tetsuya mumbled, his voice is cracking, his emotions betraying him. " I really missed you . . . everyday . . I kept wishing to see you, again. " For all the past seven years, there was no day he didn't look up at the sky and wished for something.

That one day, Sei Shi would come back.

That one day, Sei Shi would appeared in front of him.

Where the high heavens and kami-sama fulfilled today, so after he confirmed everything are real, he couldn't suppressed it anymore.

Tetsuya only cried harder.

Hong Sei Shi smallowed hard, shock and pain ran through him. He cannot bear to see Tetsuya weeping face in agony. It's better to see the bluenette getting mad at him than this. It's killing him. Making him feel weak and vulnerable. Where the oh-great-infamous-merciless-cruel-young vice president of Hong Sei Corporation is feeling hopeless and desperate
for this person.

Tetsuya is the only one who could do this to him. Only him.

Just this time, let me say it. Again.

"I'm here Tetsuya." Sei Shi's breath grew desperate as he lifted Tetsuya face to meet his eyes, seeing the blue eyes filled of tears, he felt a sick lurching in his stomach. "I'm here . . . " Again, he spoke, before embracing the younger one.

Still. God, please let me have a second chance.

They both stayed like that, no one dared to break away, but the two teenagers held each other tightly, as if afraid of letting go or the other would escaped free. Tetsuya cried with sniffling every matter of seconds while Sei Shi running his hand over the bluenette hair and murmuring words of ' I'm here ', every time he could.

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